WP2: Family Classics

Huong Nguyen
Writing 150
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2021

There is a saying that family is a foundation to our personalities. It is substantially true that how you were raised determine a lot about your characteristics and behaviors. In WP2, I aim to examine this, with the PURPOSE to write down what I have learned from living with the three family members around me, and the lessons I have taken from them.

The format I have chosen is a combination of my own artworks, poems, and writing proses that is meant to have a reflective, analytical effect. Within these four poses, each is meant to highlight each family member along with one post about a memory that I most treasured with them.

In this assignment, I am most proud of how I was able to interconnect an artifact and add it into a piece of the story. For instance, in my post about my sister, I make sure to draw her wearing cherry blossoms as this was a main symbol in my writing for youth. For my post on grandma, I drew her standing in a foggy morning as it is the intro to my writing. For my mom’s post, I draw her wearing an ao dai as a traditional Vietnamese dress because the post centers around ethnic identity. For my post on cooking a family’s meal, I make sure to draw a multi-collage inspired from “Milk and Honey” because it is inspired by the chaotic nature of learning how to cook, and also tying it into a lesson about experimentation.

I was also extremely proud of how I was able to experiment with different writing styles, from making poems to writing proses. Each format I chose for each individual artwork fits well with the atmosphere that represent my individual chosen family member. For instance, with my mom, I chose a chronological storytelling style because it represents a reflective, orderly manner. Given the time I have for this project, I was also proud with how I was able to finish the drawing commissions on time.

I am, however, is not happy of how I ended some posts. Due to it being a multi-post format, I have to split my focus on four different posts. I feel like for some posts, I did a better job of identifying a purpose and writing an ending for them. Each of them contains a message and a takeaway, but conveying them and getting them across to the audience as clearly as I could equally was difficult. I also wish that I can polish my word choices, especially in my poems. I set myself a word limit because I want to use the least amount of words, while conveying the most meaning.

Regardless, I am extremely proud of this post overall, and am considering this as a great learning opportunity to improve my writing. I have a lot of fun making them, and wish that the readers enjoy my work.


