WP2: Wanderlust | Introduction

Ashley Wang
Writing 150
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2021

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

~ Gustave Flaubert

This particular quote holds true to my unique experiences with traveling. I’ve been privileged to have this luxury and I don’t take it for granted. I’ve been humbled and unbelievably grateful to have been to places, to have met people, and to have experienced cultures that have changed my outlook, perspective, and approaches to life, whether that be in regards to conflict, mental blocks, uncertainty, or other obstacles I face.

I decided to title my archive “Wanderlust” because of my strong desire to travel and my immense love for it. I used to love traveling because of the idea of taking Pinterest-worthy pictures in front of beautiful scenery, but over time, I began to fall in love with the journey, the cultures, the people, and the lessons attached to each place. It was this love for the journey, not the destination, that contributed to the evolution of my character. My archive is made up of posts about four specific destinations — Big Bear, San Francisco, Greece, and Vietnam — that have had a tremendous influence on my personal identity that has grown to become wanderlust. I hope you enjoy this deep-dive into specific moments that have changed my life and identity.

Travel to…..Big Bear | San Francisco | Greece | Vietnam

