Subset Gallery — WP2

Sara Alvarado
Writing 340
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2024

Screenshot of the gallery

My project can be found on this website:

The main content of this project was researching and collecting the kind of art I wrote about in WP1 and will continue discussing in WP3. I did a deep dive into various artist websites and social media profiles to find a range of work that I feel embodies the art of the internet. The current work I chose is mostly character art or websites that have a concept of a virtual world.

I have had this idea for a couple of months now, so WP2 was a great excuse to begin. My original goal for WP2 was to have a full independent website up, but due to hosting/database complications and lack of time… I am currently hosting the gallery on I am certain I will launch the actual website sometime this year!

The following is informational text from the website:

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁Subset Gallery. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

Subset is an ongoing internet art collection hosted digitally. Subset exists for the purpose of highlighting visual art and media that was created to be shared primarily on the internet, and to exist and viewed digitally in online spaces. The goal of this collection is to establish internet art within broader fine arts discussions and circles. Because of the accessibility of the internet and the oftentimes illustrative or cartoonish nature of digital art, this ‘subset’ of art remains isolated from more traditional notions of art. Subset aims to recognize the intellectually and visually rich nature of digital art and the role it plays in defining the unique visual culture of the virtual world.

Subset is curated by Sara Alvarado, or Willow Red. The collection includes static images, videos, websites, games, and more. Works are by artists that primarily operate online (as in their work is mainly viewed digitally as opposed to physical galleries). Some curatorial focuses include character art and illustration, interactive media, and a visual emphasis of the computer as a medium (glitch effects, computer windows, text, etc.). Page
Please click on each piece for additional info!

Some inspirational websites:

