WP 4: WRIT 340 Reflection

Matty Schwartz
Writing 340
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024

I have really enjoyed this class and the discussions we have engaged in. Specifically, when it came to the content covered throughout the class, I think it opened my mind to perspectives and viewpoints I don’t know much about. What stands out to me as something that has really impacted the way I think was “All They Will Call You”, in particular, Tim’s process. I draw a lot of inspiration from the way Tim went about writing his book and conducting his research. He was incredibly interested in the topic, wanted to do something about it, and just went it did it. This sort of mentality where you truly follow where your interests lie and are unapologetic about it is something I will carry with me.

Tim recognized that he knew little about the experiences of those who died in the plane crash and their families but used his ignorance of a sort as his inspiration to learn more. This also meant that he wasn’t importing his views, opinions, or passions onto those he was interviewing, he just approached the task with ruthless curiosity, and I think that is commendable. He set aside his preconceptions and approached his subject matter with an open mind. This is a reminder to me of the importance of remaining unbiased and being receptive to new ideas.

I want to be able to approach things in my life in a similar way, and as I graduate and move on to the next period of my life, I want to unapologetically chase what I am passionate about just like Tim did. Personally, I think this is somewhere I have struggled in the past and am too wishy-washy when it comes to committing to a certain path or task. Also, I can learn from Tim by drawing inspiration from his willingness to dive head-first into a project even if you are “ignorant” in some respect. When I get my first professional job in a few months, I should not let my ignorance about whatever field I am in hinder me. Instead, I should use that ignorance or lack of knowledge as inspiration to learn more and to keep an open mind.

Additionally, when it comes to my writing I feel like I have developed throughout this class and college as a whole for that matter. When moving throughout college, I have felt that my process for writing has become more refined as I have gotten more practice. I am certainly a better researcher, outliner, and analyzer, but I never felt like there was something tangible that really changed the way I actually wrote(word choice, tone, etc.) until this class. When we started the class with Vershawn Ashanti Young’s “Should Writers Use Their Own English”, I was skeptical about what was being said. However, I realize the importance of being you when you write. Oftentimes, after writing an essay, I overanalyze to think too much about what is appealing to the professor, but in this class, I think I have been able to write freely and without giving too much thought to the typical question “Does this sound good or academic enough?”

Before this class, I would have never used the words “wishy-washy” in an assignment even if it was a reflection. That was just the way I had been tough to think about my writing. However, I realize that by excluding words like I am not expressing my personality through the paper. Essay writing already strips us of personality enough, and by removing or editing out words like that, we completely remove any uniqueness from the work. This is definitely an approach I am going to carry forward with me out of college. Specifically, as I apply to law school in the upcoming year, I will consider this during the writing of personal statements. Although those essays are meant to be personal, I want to be careful to make sure I am not writing in a way that makes me sound just like everyone else, because I am not everyone else.

Overall, I think this class has instilled in me a deeper appreciation of authenticity and the uniqueness that everyone has. As I prepare to navigate post-graduation life, I want to be mindful and remain flexible and open-minded, ready to pivot when necessary and seize opportunities as they arise.

