3 Best Podcast Apps That Are More Helpful Than Spotify

How you can find better podcast content than Joe Rogan

Quiet Cacophony
Writing and Life


What are the best podcast apps? Spotify, Apple, and Google aren’t cutting it
Image by author

There are 1,750,000 podcasts in the world, yet Spotify keeps recommending Joe Rogan. But I don’t want to listen to this same shit. We’re in the year 2021. Then why don’t we have a better podcast app than Apple or Google Podcasts? How can I find an enjoyable podcast? Also, how can I find the best podcast app?

My discontentment has lead me to uncover great things for you. I went down the rabbit hole and found all kinds of cool stuff:

  • Sites that transcribe podcasts and lets you search for specific words and phrases.
  • Apps that act like IMDB, where you can see your favorite people and find wherever they show up as guests on podcasts.
  • Cliffnotes-like content summarizing podcasts, saving you time from listening to hours of talk in exchange for a bullet list of takeaways.
  • Kid-friendly podcast apps that tell stories, play music, and help calm.

Finding the best podcast apps

Most modern podcast apps are junk. They have a directory, a terrible search, and random lists. New users, like me, are overwhelmed by the number of podcasts versus the ability to find content. Instead, they…

