A Christmas Letter to My Wife

She’s my world, for the world to see.

Quiet Cacophony
Writing and Life



Merry Christmas! I love you.

I’m sitting here typing this, knowing that we’ve got a few things left to prepare for our small celebration with family. There’s food to cook, trash to clear, and dishes to clean. We’ll get it done. You always say that we are a team. That’s how we still manage to succeed, because we are a team.

Wow, what a word — team. I’ve had my ups and downs this year. I applied for a few jobs, and didn’t get any of them. I’ve had mental breakdowns and dark, emotional storms. But you’ve supported me. You always have.

I know I bring this up all the time, but on our first date, I said that looking at you was like looking into a mirror of the better version of myself. And, baby, that’s so true.

The world has labeled 2020 as a “dumpster fire” of a year. Yeah, they’re right. When we went on lockdown, we didn’t drive each other crazy (even though my conversations and songs with the dog could get a bit annoying). Instead, we learned about each other and grew closer.

I think that’s pretty miraculous: that we get better the more time we are together. I haven’t seen that before. I’ve always assumed that two people in each other’s spaces would cause nuclear…

