Here’s the Plan to Help Each Other Build an Online Community

I’m committing to helping you once a week. Can you do the same?

Quiet Cacophony
Writing and Life


Hands raised, asking to help
Image via Canva

Would you rather have more comments or claps on your articles? Let’s make it a graphic choice:

Image by author via Canva

There’s no shame in saying you prefer money. You may not care if you get comments or claps, but you should. Because if you want money prioritize comments over claps. But I’m offering you something better than money: recognition.

Essential Concept: Audience Development > Growth

It doesn’t matter what platform you create on: audience development matters more than growth.

  • Creators with 1,000 subscribers on YouTube can get more views on a video than someone with 1 million subscribers.
  • On Medium, someone with 700 followers can make over $3,000 in a month, while someone with 10k followers barely makes $100.

Why is this? Two words: the algorithm.

Here’s a great article (not on Medium) about audience development being greater than growth. If you want a more recent and viral…

