CH-47 Chinook Army mechanic

Today I will be introducing you into the life of a CH-47 Army mechanic. I have specific experience with this, as it has been my Uncles occupation (CH-47 Chinook mechanic team-lead) for the last 13 years and counting after retiring from combat. I will be showing pictures from him, videos from the internet, and also have an clip describing the job task of a CH-47 Chinook Mechanic.

A little about a CH-47 Chinook: Their main mission has them used to transport weapons, artillery, soldiers to specific places (water, combat zones, etc), and fuel.

Description of day to day duties/responsibilities
Finishing touches on the chinook, during the middle of the night. Showing the hard work and dedication of the mechanics to make the lives of our soldiers as easy as possible
A look into the inside of what its all about, a CH-47 Chinook. To give you an idea of how many weapons, and war supplies are capable of fitting.
Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jason Franzen, CH-47F Acceptance Test Pilot, performs
A CH-47F Chinook sling-loads artillery. U.S. Army photo
Description of day to day duties, personal relations, and experiences of a CH-47 Chinook Mechanic
This video gives viewers a more personal visual on understanding Chinooks better, it shows equipment being loaded on, which helps the viewer better understand things that can be loaded on it, and it has useful background knowledge on the CH-47.
I chose this image as one of my graphics because it is a patch my uncle had on his uniform at one point, he told me that “hookers” is one of the slang words that they use because they are CH_47 “Chinook” mechanics
Info graphic breaking down the areas of the CH-47 Chinook

