7 Must-Read Books Written For You To Start A Business

Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…
5 min readNov 11, 2014


by Alex Strike

Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur today. The Internet era gives every startup a chance to become successful, but only some of them are able to survive. Why does it happen so?

Many blogs and articles can be found online, that teach young people how to start a business on the Web, what tricks to use, and what aspects to take into consideration. Some of them are really worth checking and following, but when you are a newbie, it is sometimes very difficult for you to understand what online resources and bloggers are worth your trust.

Much information they give is too superficial. Some of them say that all you need for your business is an idea; and others try to persuade you that a cool idea is unnecessary to have for your profitable entrepreneurship at all. So, maybe it is better to read the works of real experts instead of trusting unchecked and unproven information from any online lamers?

Here is the list of the best books for you to read if you are going to start a business and make it successful and profitable.

Will It Fly? by Thomas K. McKnight

Every business starts with an idea. And if you decide to become an entrepreneur, it means that you have this idea for sure. But how do you know if it is able to work out?

Thomas McKnight is a big expert in business launch, and his book contains the 44-item list that will help you evaluate your idea’s chances for success. Read Will It Fly? in order to understand whether your idea has wings, and whether it can work out after all.

The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki

No business is possible without its financial side, and every entrepreneur should clearly understand what risks can be met here and how to deal with them.

How to prepare yourself for business, what stages of startup process to keep in mind, how to find investors and make them trust you, how to motivate your staff, and many other financial questions are answered and explained by Guy Kawasaki in his book The Art of the Start.

The Business Startup Kit by Steven D. Strauss

If you want to understand clearly what works for startups, the book of Steven Strauss is your must-read for sure. Being an expert on small business, this guy knows exactly what he talks about.

His The Business Startup Kit explains you what does not work for startups today for you to avoid all entrepreneurs myths, and he gives readers tips on how to choose a business that will be both inspiring and profitable.

The Startup Owner’s Manual by Steve Blank

Do you need any scientific approach to business and entrepreneurship in order to understand the nature of business better? Steve Blank’s book is a kind of encyclopedia to serve as your guide to the world of business.

Check the practical step-by-step guide for building your own successful company and reveal the secrets of a startup success.

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

When you start a business, do not think that you know everything about its every aspect. Having the Internet and tons of information nearby, startuppers still believe many myths about a business and do not understand the difference between being “in” and “on” business actually.

The book of Michael Gerber will help you understand why most small businesses do not work, though they might have been organized well, and what you should do if your own business can be found among them.

Start Your Own Business by Rieva Lesonsky

The tagline of this book is quite promising: “The only startup book you’ll ever need”. Keeping in mind the fact that this is the 4-th edition already, you will probably believe that this book is worth checking.

It’s a kind of startup encyclopedia for those people who want to start a business. The writers are the editors of Entrepreneur magazine, so these guys are worth listening for sure.

Lucky Or Smart? by Bo Peabody

The Internet multimillionaire is definitely worth listening as well, when it comes to your own startup. Bo Peabody has founded 5 online companies and become successful by his twenties. What was that: a simple luck or his sharp mind? This question will find its answer after you’ve read Peabody’s book Lucky Or Smart?

Check how to cultivate your perception and be smart enough to understand when your luck knocks at the door to let it in.

All books mentioned above are available on Amazon, and all they serve as professional and practical guides to those people who get ready to start a business or want to improve the one they already have.



Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…

I am a blogger and copywriter, a big fan of writing. You are welcome to submit your stories here, and I will write them for you as well.