Save Your Time While Blog Posts Writing

Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…
4 min readJan 13, 2014


When you manage your own blog by yourself, you definitely understand how much time it can take if you really want to make it successful. Blogging is much more than just writing articles and posting them: you should work much on your blog technical part as well as its promotion of course. So, it happens soon that you don’t have enough time to write really interesting and informative posts for your blog… Isn’t it a pity? Your readers come to find new info at your blog, but they leave your blog disappointed…

So, you can always start writing short posts of course, but as far as you understand, it wouldn’t be the best solution here. Special services, like Writing Help for example, may help you come up with some new ideas and write your posts, but we doubt you will want to use them every time when you need a blog post quickly written… The perfect method would be to find a better way to save your time but still post really good articles to your blog. How to do that? Just try to follow some tips given below.

Your topic goes first

It is always better to have some topics for your future posts beforehand. It can happen that you’ll suddenly get an inspiration and decide to write an article, but you’ll spend so precious time on thinking over what to write about. You must agree that it can take a lot of time to find a topic and gather all the information needed, but if you already keep all this in mind (well, maybe in your notebook, it doesn’t actually matter), the only thing is left for you is to sit and start writing. Time will be saved, and you’ll write your post faster than you think.

So, don’t be lazy to write all ideas down. You’ll definitely use all of them in your blog’s posts afterwords.

Your points

When you’ve chosen a topic to write about, don’t ignore such an effective method of time saving as pointing out the main questions you’ll describe in your post. It can take several minutes, but you’ll notice how useful it can be for your future writing. When you have main points to tell about, your article will be written much faster, as you won’t have to think over each of them while writing itself.

So, just make it clear what you will be writing about in your blog’s post.

Your introduction

Do you write the introduction of your article first? Well, the ugly truth is that it can often take much more time than the whole article itself! As far as we know, it can be quite difficult to start an article for some writers, but who said that the introduction should be the first thing you’ll write? Let’s try the following trick: write all points you’ve thought over, and then come back to introduction!

Believe us, such a scheme can help you save much time, because sometimes it’s much easier to write both introduction and conclusion when the main part of your article is ready.

Your distraction

Sure, each of us has its own method of writing an article, and each of us knows how this or that factor can influence our inspiration. Some bloggers write posts while listening to music or watching TV, but it’s clear that the more distractions you have — the more time you’ll spend on writing your post! So, try to remove everything that can distract you from writing: your e-mail, Facebook page, TV, Skype with friends, etc.

So, you’ll have more chances to concentrate on one thing only — your writing. It’s obvious that you’ll finish your post much faster if you don’t talk to your friends in messengers, don’t reply on every Facebook status, and don’t check your e-mail every minute.

Your time limit

The best method to write faster is to set a time limit for yourself! When you know that you have 1 hour to finish your post, you’ll do nothing but writing it to be in time. Moreover, big chances are that you’ll finish your post much sooner than you thought as you are concentrated on the only thing!

Don’t let anything distract you from writing, set a time limit for yourself, choose a topic and point the main statements out beforehand — and you’ll see how easy and fast you can write! Happy writing, and make your blog content really interesting and useful for your audience!



Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…

I am a blogger and copywriter, a big fan of writing. You are welcome to submit your stories here, and I will write them for you as well.