What Would You Write To A 16-Year-Old Self?

If these letters had found their addressees, the world would have been much different now. 

Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…


If you could write a letter to your 16-year-old self, what would you say? This question had been asked to 75 celebrities: writers, actors, musicians, and sportsmen. Their answers have given a birth to a book Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self, the collection of letters to the past. Older “me” are trying to give witty, intimate, wise advice to younger selves on how to behave, what to wait for, and what to avoid. As a result, this book appeared to be about youth, maturing, and waiting for a miracle rather than famous people.

This idea has become so exciting, that people from all over the world began writing letters to themselves. The official website of the book has thousands of registered users today! Probably, each of us has something to say to a sixteen-year-old self….

We’ve gathered several inspiring letters of celebrities here. Certainly, they can’t change the past, but they can easily change the future of some people. Why not?

The letter of Stephen King

(an author and famous American essay writer)

The letter of Hugh Jackman

(a movie star and musician)

The letter of Alice Cooper

(a heavy metal artist)

The letter of Suze Orman

(Emmy Award-winning TV host and bestselling author)

The letter of J.K. Rowling

(a writer)

And what would you write to a 16-year-old self?



Alex Strike
So, You Wanna Write…

I am a blogger and copywriter, a big fan of writing. You are welcome to submit your stories here, and I will write them for you as well.