“We’ve updated our terms”: How to make the mundane remarkable

Steve Howe
Writing at Typeform
7 min readOct 14, 2019


Do you listen carefully to announcements at train stations?

Me neither. The familiar voices tend to blend into the usual hum of station noise — people chatting, train wheels screeching, escalators squeaking.

But London Underground had an idea: what if we used a child’s voice?

They recorded the daughter of a station employee who warned people to “take care on the escalator”. It worked. They reduced escalator injuries by a third at Victoria station.

“Hold on”: a child’s voice reduced escalator injuries. Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

So the novelty of something different rose above the familiar. For writers, designers and marketers that’s the ideal. So how do you create content that actually gets noticed?

Getting past the filter

We follow two simple steps when it comes to the messages we put out:

1) Imagine you’re on the receiving end of that message.

2) Ask: is it rubbish?

Or, if there are business types around: does it feel remarkable?

Merriam Webster defines remarkable as:

Worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary.



Steve Howe
Writing at Typeform

Writer for UX, games, and mental health orgs. Background in teaching, translation, and support for vulnerable people. Loves languages, long runs, and bad puns.