4 Things To Do To Change Your Life Forever

Writing Blog — 2018
4 min readSep 24, 2018

Disclaimer: Your life will change anyway, so try them.

“A man in a lifejacket rowing a kayak on a river at sunset” by Pete Nowicki on Unsplash

If you are here, I guess it is because you like reading posts with headlines like “X Things To Do To +[attractive goal]”, coupled with beautiful pictures.

I like reading this kind of content, too.

But what about writing one of them? Can anyone do that? And if yes, how?

I think that we don’t necessarily need to be a self-made entrepreneur, who ran a million dollar project, and ruined it, or a globetrotter who had visited many countries, while remotely working for a Silicon Valley company, we don’t have to be a celebrity, or rich, or in a good or hard moment.

There is one guideline: Be yourself, and ready to share your experience.

This post is my first one, and yours too. We will write it together. Instead of giving you hard-coded advises, I’m giving you a template, and you will fill it.

This makes sense for me, who am I to advise you? I don’t even know you, and after all, we are all different, with different situations and goals.

Take a moment and think about it, do you really believe that a stranger knows more than you what you have to do to change your life?

Are you really patiently waiting for someone else to tell you what to do? And what if no one comes for your help? Will you stay forever with no plan?

If there is someone who knows what you have to do, it is you.

So let’s find, together, those 4 things that you have to do to change your life.

1- Start Doing Something

Other posts will recommend you to start doing specific activities, like:

  • Practice sport.
  • Eat healthily.
  • Take care of your family.

And what else?

  • Put comfortable shoes?
  • Drink water?
  • Be kind?

Those activities are valid for the person who wrote them, not who read them.

So take your time, and think about one activity that you have to do, but you keep postponing it, it doesn’t matter why you didn’t start it till today, or how much difficult it is, or how much time it will take you to finish it.

Just start it.

Example: I’ll start an expense log, to note everything I’m buying.
Sorry? You didn’t like the example? Yeah, it is my activity. Now find yours.

2- Stop Doing Something

As humans, surrounded by noise and distraction, we tend to avoid things that we have to do. At the same time, we keep doing things we shall stop.

Again, I don’t know who you are, or what you do in your life, I’m not judging you, but I’m sure that you are doing something that impacts you, your health, time, family or future. Otherwise, why are you here if everything is OK?

How to stop doing something? Don’t do it today, and keep not doing it after.

Just stop it.

Example: I’ll stop using my phone after 10 pm.
I see what you did. Don’t copy my example, go find yours.

3- Say Yes to something

The two above tips were for activities and things coming from you, so you have the full control to start and stop them, but what about things coming from your environment?

An invitation, a gift, a proposal, a call, a project, …etc.

If you want to change your life, you have to accept that lot of the changes will come from the others, you don’t have the choice but to let the external causes contribute to what you are building, you can’t have a business, a family, or a career alone. Do you want to change your life?

Say yes.

Example: I’ll say yes to any nearby sports event.
You can copy that one if you want.

4- Say No to something

I have bad news, not all the external proposals are good to change your life, so when you can’t say yes, you shall use the correct word, do not use middle-way words, like maybe, perhaps, or I’ll see. All those grey words aren’t solving the problem, the solution is to break the bridge, go forward, and never look back.

Will you join us later this evening to waste your time and money?

Say no.

Example: I’ll say no to the meetings where I feel myself useless.
This is a hard example, but I’ll do my best to stick to it.

5- Do Something Else

Yes, I know, I’ve said only 4 things, not 5. But I told you before, no one knows what you have to do to change your life more than yourself. So if you find 99 other things to do, just do them, don’t take others’ posts as your master plan.

You have now the template, go fill it and change your life.

Good luck.

