There’s No Fucking Secret To Business

Jason Zook
Something I’ve Written
2 min readApr 11, 2017

A step-by-step program to success?


A blueprint to immediate results?


A roadmap to riches, and fame, and being sexier than you’ve ever been in your entire life?

Sorry, nope again.

Now, are there step-by-step programs to help you learn a new skill?


A blueprint to use if you want to try to have similar results as someone else.


Roadmaps that can give you the experiences of other people, which you can follow, but that can’t guarantee a damn thing?


But there is no fucking secret to business, so why do we all keep looking for it?

Countless articles. Piles of books. Hours of webinars. Courses on courses on courses. Cheat sheets and free downloads galore. Somewhere in there I could have made a Little Mermaid joke (you know, “whosits and whatsits galore”?)

Do you ever wonder why you keep looking for the silver bullet? For the ONE thing? For the secret to success/fame/money/yachts/early retirement/etc?

Because it doesn’t exist.

If you’re looking for a secret to success in business, you’re always going to be looking for a secret to success in business.

Instead, spend your time trying things. Learn from people with experience, but apply your own uniqueness and ideas. There’s only one Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg for a reason. You can’t become them, because they already exist. You have to strive to become the best version of YOU, not a clone of someone else.

Do you know where you’ll find success/fame/money/yachts/etc?

On the other side of effort.

On the other side of experimentation.

On the other side of figuring out what any of those things actually mean for you in YOUR life.

What it really takes to reach the levels of other people, people you read every word from, is probably a list of things you don’t honestly want to be doing.

A big secret in business is that the majority of people at the top would rather have stayed small. Once they grew their empire they missed the days of being small, scrappy, agile, and having the ability to call all the shots. And “small” means different things to different people (just like “success”).

I lied, there actually is a secret to business: It’s the work.

This doesn’t mean you have to hustle. It doesn’t mean you have to burn the candle at both ends. It certainly doesn’t mean you have to work 20-hour days (or even 8-hour days).

It simply means you’re only going to get anything in life if you put work.

This is where things get interesting:

Are you willing to do the work it takes?

If you aren’t? Totally fine. Admit it to yourself. Stop searching for the secret that doesn’t exist. Run your business (and life) the way you want to, not the way that seems sexy and fulfilling.

If you are? Then tell yourself: “fuck looking for the secret, I’m going figure this shit out on my own.”

Don’t click a link to go to my website. Don’t click a recommended story. Don’t click the unread notifications. Go do the work.

