Will You Buy My Future?

Jason Zook
Something I’ve Written
4 min readSep 22, 2015


A project by Jason Zook

Almost a year ago I wrote something in my journal that I never expected to read again. A few months ago I was sipping my morning coffee at my desk and flipping through that journal when I randomly landed on that page. What I wrote was: “I wish I didn’t have to sell things.”

Selling is a necessary evil. Marketing is a necessary evil. Promoting the things you create so you can make money and continue to create things is a necessary evil. We all deal with these pain points as we try to grow our businesses. But it got me wondering… could there be another way?

For the past few years I’ve focused on building products that teach people lessons from my experiences. Be it online courses, workshops, web applications, or my book, I’ve enjoyed this value exchange:

I learn a lesson > I create something to help others learn from my experience > People pay me for that thing (my value) > People learn the same lesson and apply it to their lives (their value)

This value exchange works. In fact, it’s a very popular way for people to make money. I’m certainly not the first person to execute this strategy.

But the more that I create, the more I end up having to sell. And while I may be good at the selling part, that doesn’t mean I enjoy it or want to keep doing it. I’m guessing many of you reading this can relate. Selling is hard.

So as I finished my first cup of coffee, staring at that page in my journal, a bunch of thoughts and ideas started forming. The final outcome of those thoughts was this crazy premise:

What if I just sold one thing? My future.

That brings us to BuyMyFuture, my next big project. If you’ve been following any of my “Project Galaxy” journal entries since July, this is that project.

BuyMyFuture is the opportunity to purchase access to my life’s work, for a one-time fee of $1,000.

Let me be absolutely clear on what buying my future means and what you’ll get:

  • Access to all of my existing AND upcoming projects and tools (14 projects guaranteed, $4,500 in value).
  • First dibs on everything else I make. For free. Forever. (Yes, I said forever.)
  • Entry to a BuyMyFuture community, with quarterly calls & annual reports updating you on what I’m working on.
  • A say in what I make next, so you get what you need, when you need it.
  • A complimentary jetpack. (Just kidding. Or am I?)

The existing products that you’ll get access to are my 5 online courses, free lifetime membership to my 2 web applications (Teachery [$600/year by itself] and Bumpsale), and the digital versions of my book Creativity For Sale. But the upcoming products are where BuyMyFuture gets really interesting…

I am guaranteeing at least 6 products over the course of the next two years. Those products include 2 online courses, 2 books, and 2 more web applications. One of each of those things will be decided on by the BuyMyFuture community. Yep, these products will be created to solve your most important problems.

Oh, and you’ll get access to anything I will ever create… for the rest of my life… at no additional charge.

If you buy my future for $1,000 during September 22 — October 6, you will never pay me another dollar for anything I ever create. Forever.

While I’m excited for all the things I’ll be creating to help you teach more, sell more, and create more, I’m really pumped for the BuyMyFuture community. This will be an exclusive Slack Community where like-minded entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, creative professionals, and whoever else buys my future can hang out and chat on a daily basis. I’ll be there as well, and I’m going to bring in guests for live chats and host quarterly update calls so you know that I’m staying healthy and focusing on building awesome stuff that will help you accomplish your business goals.

And that’s what I’m striving for. To sell my future for a short period of time so that I don’t have to continue to sell every product that I create. So that I can focus solely on the creation process and deliver the highest quality projects that I can to you, without having precious time and energy sucked out of them for promotion/marketing/selling.

What to do now?

Now is the time to take action. The ability to buy my future will only be available from September 22 — October 6 and it is priced at a one-time payment of $1,000 (there is a 4-month payment plan option as well). If I sell my future again, it will never be offered at $1,000 again.

My goal is to assemble a group of action-takers interested in living, working, and making money on their own terms, and in their own unique ways. I want to help you get where you want to go.

You’re not only investing in my future; you’re investing in your own success.

Go to buymyfuture.com and never pay me again for the rest of my life.

To the future!

