Flyers with Velocity

Zoe K
Writing Chicago
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2019

A Promotional Composition

This flyer is intended to be handed out or hung up around the Lincoln Park area and DePaul’s two campus locations. The most effective routes for this would be to print it out to physically hang up, or possibly post on social medias as well. Circulation facilitation will come from people looking at the flyer hanging somewhere or being physically handed to them. If they possess a copy, they may discard or pass it along. Weather and animals could move the flyer from its hanging locations. I feel the size (7in x 5in) is not encumbering, meaning people are more likely to physically take a copy. Of course, if this circulates, there is the possible misinterpretation of the flyer’s intent (to promote WRD390’s pop-up museum) or simply ineffective promoting. I think the explicit wording without any extra flair (facts about the pop-up only) will limit the misappropriation of the flyer. All the materials to make this flyer already have been appropriated from magazines, so I have no concerns about further appropriation.

