if ur bored, come thru

Zoe K
Writing Chicago
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2019

Promotion of school related events is a tricky subject. On one hand, we know very few people will attend willingly because of other commitments or lack of interest. On the other, we still hope that people will attend in order to validate the work we’ve put in to an event.

As this event is a pop-up museum, one of our classmates created a flyer for all of us to use in our promos. This was my main tool for promoting the event.

In order to garner interest, my first step in promotion was to place the flyers in my place of work. We have a public waiting area where the community is encouraged to place flyers and business cards for visitors to the office. I placed the flyers there and noted they garnered some attention and interest.

The flyer in my work office waiting room

After that, my main focus became promoting my personal part of the exhibit. As I worked on my project, I added photos to my Instagram story. This also drew interest as many of my regular zine readers responded with curiosity about the overarching project my part is a part of. Because I have an already established audience, that means the circulation of my project will be guaranteed at least within that audience. This also connected my Instagram audience to the process so engaging with the final product can feel more personal.

Previews of the process

I also promoted the flyer for the museum on my Instagram story. I did caption it ‘if ur bored come thru’, which is a bit casual for the seriousness of the event. I mainly did this because I know half my followers are in the middle of finals and the other half don’t live in the city. Which means very few of my followers will actually be able to attend. So, it is a casual promotion of the event which may or may not garner attendees.

The flyer on my Instagram story

My main promotion of the museum has been through word of mouth. I discussed the project with many peers and professors, and though I did not have a physical promotion to hand them I was able to direct them to the flyers around campus.

As my promotion process was low key, I am curious to view the turnout rate for our event.

