Pop-Up Museum Writing Process

Writing Chicago
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2019

While thinking about my exhibit, I wanted to look further into the role of advertising and talk about the competition for our attention. Trying to come up with something as an art presentation was somewhat difficult, so I thought I would start out simple with just a collage and see how I could take it further. The collage below is just a rough idea, I’d like to try and use advertising that’s more relevant to Chicago itself. The idea is to try and create something that can depict how overwhelming advertising can be with the bombardment of messages, pictures, and different tactics thrown at us to grab our attention. I was also thinking of using some sort of 3-D pop up art to help convey this in the final iteration. This would be a better portrayal of the overwhelming amount of companies promoting their brands, as opposed to a simple 2-D image, which does not show the idea of being “overwhelmed” quite as effectively. I’d also like to try to somehow integrate the idea of brands making statements on social issues as a way to stay relevant, however I’m still thinking on how I would display this.

After posting my initial brainstorming collage onto Facebook and Instagram, I did not receive very many replies, though I did try to engage my friends with

the post a little more than before by asking for thoughts or opinions. However, I feel that part of the reason many are not interested in looking at such topics is because of the reasons people use their social media. Most people my age try to use it as a place to either get away from the real world for a little bit or to vent about stresses or issues in their lives. Looking at another person’s work for a class is not a very high priority for them when using social media, which is why I think they may not be too interested in engaging with the post.

