The New Tutor Gig

How online learning created a new side hustle

Lindsay Redifer
The Freelance ADHD Copywriter


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I am flat-on-my-back exhausted. I dedicated my morning to helping a first-grade student I’ll call Xavier with his online school.

If you’ve never done a Zoom class with your child or any child, I want you to take a moment to fall to your knees and thank every deity in the sky for your amazing life.

I wasn’t the teacher. Instead, I filled in as an at-home helper or at least the helper’s sub.

I did everything I could to make my charge’s online classes bearable. I jumped up and down and shouted with joy during online P.E. I silently mouthed “Listen to your teacher,” to reinforce the English lesson. I pushed Xavier’s iPad into his limp hands while his Spanish teacher plowed through a bog of a grammar lesson. In his defense, her classes are awful.

Every moment counted. Every second my student got distracted he missed something crucial and I had to repeat it while listening to the teacher’s next sentence. It took every ounce of energy to communicate that the image on the screen mattered — pay attention, this is school now.

The new teaching gig

Educating is a strange mental dance. A teacher must have one eye on everyone’s behavior and another on her work on the whiteboard. At the…



Lindsay Redifer
The Freelance ADHD Copywriter

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