Uchu Sanango and Kambo Benefits in Practice

Becky Wicks
Traveling Inwards
Published in
8 min readFeb 10, 2022

Curing Lyme Disease with Plant Medicine, and The Curse of the Mysterious “Entity” Inside

kambo benefits are tangible
Kambo Ceremony prep. Photo: Shutterstock

Bruce M beams in at me from his teepee, somewhere in the mountains of Santa Cruz. I picture the Asian man’s space beyond the boundaries of our screens and wonder even more how the Kambo benefits he’s spoken of in our emails have influenced his home.

They’ve definitely helped his health.

Bruce tells me he was a monk for nineteen years. When he left the ashram he married a lady who’d been a nun for the same amount of time. He teaches Tibetan throat singing now.

Bruce does a lot of things. But none of those are why we’re speaking.

In 2015, Bruce healed himself completely from Lyme Disease, thanks to a special plant diet called Ucho Sanago. When I read his comments in a Facebook group called KAMBO HEALING FOR LYME, I had to find out more.

It Started with a Tick

Bruce endured what he called a “couple of years of hell” between 2013 and 2015, when he was plagued with high fevers and a feeling of weakness previously unknown to him.

‘I found the bloated tick,’ he tells me, settling in for our chat as California sunlight blazes in on his face.

‘It had been feeding on me for two or three days. A week or two after that I got really, really sick.’

A blood test came out positive for Lyme Disease.

Lyme Disease, as you might already know, can cause all kinds of nasty stuff to occur in a person. From headaches to facial swelling, arthritis, heart palpitations and memory loss, it’s an ongoing nightmare. It’s contracted through bacteria that’s transmitted to humans (and animals) through the bite of an infected tick.

‘The scary part for me was the feeling of losing my mind…hearing voices, going through “Lyme rages,” unable to remember the names of close relatives.’

Bruce did all the things he was told to do after his diagnosis. He cleaned up his diet, detoxed, and explored regular and alternative medicines. All the while, that tiresome tick made his life a misery.

kambo benefits tick bites
Photo by Victor Grabarczyk on Unsplash

He was already accustomed to ayahuasca, aka ‘the grandmother medicine’ which he’d been using since 2009. The ayahuasca went some way towards alleviating the most painful symptoms, but nothing seemed to help the arthritis.

And nothing would banish what he’d come to see as the evil Lyme “entity.”

‘There was still the deep energetic malaise, severe memory loss, the inability to do any physical exercise or work,’ he explains.

‘I felt like I was on a slow downward spiral. I came to understand that in order to be totally free of Lyme’s grip upon my life, I would need serious help in releasing the Lyme “entity” from my body, mind and psyche.’

Bruce met this entity in a vision, while suffering a really high fever one day. ‘It was very alien,’ he says, and I watch his brow furrow at the memory.

‘There was no human reference point to make any kind of connection with it. Its head had the look of a Nazi helmet, a very cold vibe. I asked the entity, why are you doing this? The answer was simply, this is what we do. I sensed it had incredible intelligence, but it was totally devoid of heart.’

Researching rainforest remedies became a seemingly necessary endeavor for Bruce and his wife.

After a year and a half of intense suffering, Bruce felt called to travel with her to Iquitos, Peru, to work with a certain plant medicine called Uchu Sanango under the guidance of a shaman.

Photo by Filippo Cesarini on Unsplash

What is Uchu Sanango?

Uchu Sanango is a well-known plant Spirit doctor, growing in the upper Amazonian basin. It’s known for the way it burns through the body, scorching negative energy into submission at a cellular level.

Locals use Uchu Sanango to reduce fever (in the long run) and repair muscular and skeletal systems. They also say it resets neural pathways and thus, improves your memory.

‘I was in isolation for ten days. There were three days of intense suffering from the effects of the medicine, but the last two hours of the second day were over-the-top intense. I felt like I was burning up from the inside.’

This was the point when Bruce finally felt the Lyme “entity” leave his body.

‘It was an incredibly painful struggle,’ he tells me, as I picture a Nazi in full uniform being squeezed from his nostril. ‘I was screaming, and out-of-my-mind from the pain. It felt like being on fire from the inside.

‘I remember snarling. I could hear myself speaking in a very weird tongue… and then the “entity” was pulled out of me, through the top of my skull.

I felt it corkscrewing, like it was unwinding from my neck and head. I could tell it didn’t like the heat, my body became too inhospitable for it to remain. That was in 2015. I’ve never had any symptoms of Lyme since.’

The Uchu Sanango Benefits Are Still Ongoing

I have to ask what was worse — the Lyme Disease, or feeling a Nazi-helmet-headed alien being yanked from his burning skull in the Amazon rainforest.

Bruce stresses that his particular experience with Uchu Sanango was not typical:

‘My wife, for instance, during her isolation dieta with Uchu Sanango had a very different experience, not as intense or painful. I would not want to scare anyone from working with this wonderfully healing medicine!’

In 2016, a newly healed, yet understandably curious Bruce traveled back to the rainforest. This time he went to Brazil, where he wound up spending a few weeks with the Matses Tribe, learning how to work with Kambo. It was the first time he had heard of the powerful frog medicine.

‘From the very beginning, I knew it was a medicine I wanted to work with and learn,’ he tells me.

kambo benefits are froggin real
Innocuous tree frog or healer?

Kambo, as you may know, is a frog secretion that’s scraped from the back of the Phyllomedusa Bicolor species. You’ll also see it called the Giant Monkey Tree Frog.

This bit is important to keep in mind. You can’t just trudge to the pond in your wellies and grab any old unsuspecting frog from a lily pad.

You must go, like Bruce did, to the Amazon, where this bright, lime-green, bulbous-footed beauty can be found clinging to branches, watching out for bugs to eat… and native tribes who want nothing more than to strap him down and scrape his back for superpowers.

There are retreats out there that let you join in these frog hunts. Or, you can simply search the other Amazon. Eventually, you’ll find someone who’s scraped that medicine off for you, who’s willing to pop it in the post; no intrepid jungle treks or mosquito bites necessary.

‘The first time I did it, there was a sense of clearing of toxic energies,’ Bruce explains. ‘These insidious energies can latch on and build up in us… from our diet or certain environments and people, until we feel depressed, weighed-down.’

Native tribes, who’ve been exploring these Kambo benefits for thousands of years, call these negative energies panama.

While Uchu Sanango stripped the tick of its powers, working with Kambo on a regular basis, Bruce says, helps him keep these dark energies at bay.

How do you conduct a Kambo Ceremony?

Tiny burning marks for Kambo medicine. Photo: Shutterstock

Kambo is administered by burning tiny marks on your skin. It’s usually your arm that’s scorched in tiny dots, before the potent frog juice is dabbed on top of the markings.

Most describe what happens next as an altogether hot, sweaty, horrific vomming session — the reaction to what’s essentially a toxic substance raging through your body. After that, you feel amazing.

Kambo is used as treatment for gut health, arthritis, migraines, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, various cancers, psoriasis, AIDS, diabetes, herpes, fertility, Parkinson’s, depression… you name it, someone has probably soothed or banished it with Kambo benefits.

For days after taking it, you’re also more alert. Your eyes see things more clearly, your hearing improves. Your sense of smell is supercharged.

It was a man called Vittorio Erspamer who analyzed Kambo in a lab and first saw the potential in this unsuspecting frog. In 1986, the Italian scientist and Nobel prize nominee saw the Kambo benefits up close and called it a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian”.

The chemicals Erspamer is referring to are what we’d call peptides.

I ask Bruce why pharmaceutical companies so far have largely failed in their efforts to synthesize and patent Kambo peptides in order to develop a medicine that works like the real thing.

‘It’s the spirit,’ he says.

‘There is a spirit of Kambo, an energy that’s whole. You can’t break it apart. The most important part is your relationship with that energy, with that spirit. That is more important than the peptides.’

People who’ve experienced the way Kambo benefits us talk of renewed resistance to infections and disease and a new, almost warrior outlook on life, at least for a while after taking it.

Our ancient ancestors would ingest a little frog medicine before heading off on a hunt, for example.

Uchu Sanango and kambo release your warrior spirit
Release your warrior. Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

Having been healed and humbled by his experience with plant medicines, Bruce keeps a check on his health and wellbeing with regular self-applied Kambo, roughly twice a month. He also uses it on his wife.

The Kambo Benefits are Real

Bruce’s wife suffers symptoms of post-polio, and the Kambo benefits her tremendously. It helps to mitigate her neck pains. She has scoliosis of the spinal curvature and the Kambo has helped reduce the inflammation.

She is now a licensed marriage and family councilor. The Kambo helps her to release the trauma she picks up from stressed-out individuals.

‘I feel it gets deeper with time,’ Bruce says, when I ask if he still feels the same effects, every time he uses it.

‘It helps me tune into finer and subtle energies and it keeps going deeper and deeper. Kambo benefits are recognizable alongside my work with ayahuasca. I feel more receptive. The teachings of these medicines are: ‘watch your thoughts. Do they serve you or do they hurt? Are they positive or negative?’

As we hang up, Bruce’s adventure with Uchu Sanango and Kambo benefits me too; I’m left wondering more about the still-untapped powers of plant medicine, and everything still unexplored in the Amazon. These fascinating medicines apparently deserve a lot more attention.

It’s an exciting ride, right now, watching this and other beneficial entheogens shuffle one by one into the spotlight, being recognized as the healers they’ve surely always been.

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Becky Wicks
Traveling Inwards

Harlequin/HarperCollins author, ex-travel writer & copywriter. Writes about writing, psychedelics and expat life in Amsterdam. Editor of Traveling Inwards.