499 Days to Go: The Sequel to 501 Days of Writing

Why “Writing For Your Life” promises its readers there will never be any shortage of writing about writing …

Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life
12 min readMay 27, 2020


The following collection is in progress. I still have most of those 499 days to go, and my computer will surely blow up by the time I’m finished.

Before I begin in earnest, if you have not yet accessed the main page I’d like to ask you to click here for my new Medium publication, “Writing For Your Life”:

If you are interested in following the publication, there is an option for that in the toolbar.

I was driven to begin this publication in response to a widely-expressed hunger for articles written by those who live the writer’s life and write full-time. I personally wanted to see something with more substance than simply theoretical. As I have been a full-time writer since 2005, writing novels, screenplays and teleplays, I figured I had enough credibility to give this a go.



Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life

Joel Eisenberg is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer. The Oscar in the profile pic isn’t his but he’s scheming. WGA and Pen America member.