An Armchair Collection: Movies and More Movies

I’ve written about many of my favorite films on Medium. The following is an extensive selection.

Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life


I did not set out to author another nonfiction book as I’ve been looking to refocus on my fantasy novel series, “The Chronicles of Ara.” But, when I started obsessively writing and posting one online article after another about all things cinema, suddenly … things changed.

I realized I had a heck of a lot of content behind me. Why waste it?

The selection that follows will be released in a new volume next year, title to be determined.

I figured, though, as many of us are still socially isolating, I would share with you an extensive sneak peak.

I’ve been in love with cinema since I was a young boy. Horror and science fiction films first and foremost, so you’ll see many genre entries below. I was an avid collector of “Famous Monsters” magazine and movie memorabilia early; years later I learned there was a whole other universe of film out there.

And the obsession began.

The pieces that follow are in no particular order, save for the three personality profiles at the end, the first two of which were both highly applauded and criticized.



Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life

Joel Eisenberg is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer. The Oscar in the profile pic isn’t his but he’s scheming. WGA and Pen America member.