And Then He Died: Depression in the Arts

Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life
7 min readDec 24, 2019


Depression can be well-hidden. I didn’t understand the extent of my friend’s suffering until it was too late.

There is no “right” time to post an article such as this. This is, in part, the true story of my friend, Marlon Parry, as I knew him.

It is also a cautionary piece about getting involved in the arts without a strong constitution, a plan if your vocation or avocation does not progress as anticipated, and balance.

This piece is personal, and I have no idea if Marlon would have approved of it (I suspect he would have); my decision is based on a judgement call, as I believe putting a face to the words here will help the story resonate and nudge others who have found themselves in similar positions to seek help if necessary.

My Friend

Marlon Parry was born on September 12, 1959 in Detroit, Michigan, and died by hanging on May 6, 2011.

In hindsight maybe his Twitter account, which he opened just nine months prior in August of 2010, provided a clue.



Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life

Joel Eisenberg is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer. The Oscar in the profile pic isn’t his but he’s scheming. WGA and Pen America member.