The Worst Losers of All Time

And why we should strive to be more like them.

Denise Hauf Miotke
Writing For Your Life


Writing materials, and “let your dream be bigger than your fears” on a table. Do what you love even if money doesn’t follow.
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In these times of serious uncertainty, I find myself dealing with a lot of fears. From anxiety over whether there will be toilet paper at the grocery store today, to the existential dilemma of wondering if I will ever make my mark on the world. I need to be practical, make money and squirrel it away for a rainy day, right? So how can I justify following my passion?

When I’m feeling low, I take a lot of inspiration from other writers and thinkers, and this morning I was reminded of something rather shocking.

Most of them were serious losers.

They didn’t get published, didn’t sell their paintings, didn’t make money, and people certainly didn’t believe in them. By today’s standards where success is measured in dollars or followers, they were failures. And it wasn’t like they weren’t trying. They persisted working in their passion. Neither money nor fame found them during their lifetimes. Some were ahead of their time. Others died too early. So what can we learn from them?

Let’s talk a little about “following your passion”.

Do what you love and the money will follow. Most of us have heard this saying, and sometimes it has the opposite effect of lifting us up. It can be crushing. What if you are…



Denise Hauf Miotke
Writing For Your Life

Screenplay Writer, Script reader, travel lover, adoptive mother.