Changes in Term Two

Luyce Zheng
Writing G08
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2018

Term one is coming to an end and I have realized that I need to make some changes in the upcoming term. A well-organized learning process and efficient time management can assist me to work effectively at ITI. These are the steps I am going to put into action in term two. The first thing to remember is to make a to-do list and prioritize the tasks. That way, I will not be overwhelmed by the heavy schedule of the intensive ITI courses. Meanwhile, I will also reduce the time spent on social media, video games and TV series. A regular daily routine is equally important for us to maintain a healthy body and consume energy for studying. With these suggestions, I believe I can make better use of my time and improve my learning process in the next term.

Written by Yvette, Hanna and Luyce

