The Essay Writing Process, As Told By Gifs

Piers Golden
4 min readSep 26, 2016


Starting a paper is a lot like going to the dentist, you know you have to do it, you know it’s going be painful, but you know you’re going regret it if you procrastinate it any longer. If you’re anything like the millions of other college students in the United States, then you’ve probably left writing this essay to the last minute. But that’s ok, because you’re not alone in this! Below, we’ve captured the essay writing process at it’s finest, with all of the meltdowns, snack breaks, and everything in between.

Whether you’re in the middle of writing an essay that’s due tomorrow or you’re just surfing the web for some laughs, our essay writing process rundown will beyond a doubt remind you of why you should never leave writing an essay for the night before its due.

Step 1: Open Microsoft word and realize that it was definitely a huge mistake to leave writing this 2,000-word minimum essay for the last minute.

Step 2: Stare at the blank Microsoft word document as the blinking cursor mocks your existence. Finally, after much deep thought debating on the perfect way to start your paper, begin typing away.

Step 3: Take a step back from your laptop and take a look at what you’ve written thus far.

Step 4: Realize that after pouring you blood, sweat and tears for the past five minutes into all of that hard work for your essay, you definitely deserve, at least, a fifteen-minute snack break to gather your wits. After all, how can you focus without some carbs in your system?

Step 5: Return to your computer recharged and ready to start on the real parts of your essay. This involves stuffing in largely, unnecessary dictionary words into the paper in order to reach the painful 2,000-word count minimum imposed by your professor.

Step 6: After sitting in front of your laptop, typing for what feels like an hour, realize that you’ve only completed one full page and you need at least another nine more pages to go.

Step 7: Realize that you’re going to need a whole lot more than coffee in your system to get you through this night and reach out for the Red Bull on the corner of your desk.

Step 8: Start typing at a hundred words per minute as the Red Bull and coffee finally kick in and give you that undeniable surge of energy you needed to finally wrap up the essay.

Step 9: Start freaking out over the MLA style bibliography and try finding citations that don’t include all of the nonstop Wikipedia pages that you have been using.

Step 10: Finally, wrap your essay up with an extra 10 words over the minimum and just five minutes to spare to run into class and hand the paper over to your professor as you swear to yourself that you’ll never start writing another essay the night before it’s due.

