How Poetry Saved My Life

And it seems I am not alone

Lisa Bolin
Writing Heals


Writing, and in particular, poetry has often been described as ‘a savior.’

Jonathan Greene wrote beautifully, poetically, that ‘poetry is a release of the soul. It allows me to turn my insides out and expose them. And when I do, I realize they aren’t full of darkness anymore. My insides are beautiful. And full of words. And thoughts. And hope.’

Jenny Justice writing from the heart, said for her, poetry is ‘a gift, a voice, a drive, a passion that just is or is not.’

I describe it as such because it saved me. The words that poured from my pen, keyboard, soul, saved me from the deep dark numb hole that my life had become. I couldn’t really stop the flood. And for me, the catalyst to this outpouring was love.

Life can have a terrible way of creeping up on you. Turn your back for a minute and years have suddenly gone by. And sometimes terrible things happen that you have no control over. To all of us. Any of us. I had done an excellent job of numbing myself to many of those experiences over the years.

It’s not like I haven’t had wonderful experiences, because I have. I enjoyed my children, we have done some wonderful things together, I found a career and workplace that was fulfilling and enjoying, yet still, there was an emptiness…



Lisa Bolin
Writing Heals

Writer | Poet | Educator | Book-lover | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast | Garden of Neuro Institute sister | A curious soul | A little fearless