Saltwater Heals Everything

Writing Heals
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2019


by Michele the Trainer

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

Words and writing are healing like water.

We come from water.

We are made of water.

We live together on a mudball that’s mostly water.

We can flow like water.

Water welcomes us.

There is nothing like the embrace you feel from warm clean ocean water.

With hiking we can experience nature; sunshine, trees, vistas, birds, plants, flowers, and more. Unlike hiking, water engages all our senses because we can immerse. When I enter the ocean for a SCUBA dive or snorkel and become completely submerged, I completely feel like I’m home again.

Coral reefs underwater are some of the most spectacular colorful gardens on earth, veiled by a lot of water. Visiting these environments is like a liquid hike (yes of course I own that website, ha). We come from water and we’re made of water.

On land, we’ve likely all experienced that a rainstorm or snow can be a close second to full immersion! With hiking or walking in nature, we can easily learn the importance of weather and how it demands a bit of consideration.

Water, like weather, requires respect. Often other people have taught us something about water; safety, swimming, weather, etc. Together we live on a water planet and together we can watch out for each other.

Image by Anita S. from Pixabay

Like learning to walk, we must learn how to weather and water.

Just like we learned our literacy. We weren’t born knowing how to read and write. We became uncomfortable and we learned.

Often going outside is uncomfortable. Sunshine, for example, isn’t only at the beach.

If we only sit inside in this life, we are really missing out.

We lose all the sensory experiences of nature.

We miss the healing sunshine which can befriend us on land or water, though we must learn to respect the rays.

If we lose this connection to nature, we can begin to feel stuck. Just like stagnant water is stuck.

Stuck can happen unintentionally. For example, some man-made harbors have can interrupt the flow of water and currents causing pollution. The water doesn’t move and collects trash and toxins.

When I feel stuck I cannot write. This the where our health intersects with our passions, and if we can recognize it we can learn how to flow again.

Like water.

A bit of sunshine, a warm bath, a walk outside can all help our writing.

Writing can also be a warm hug in the same engaged way. When we are in the zone, we can become completely absorbed with our words, by communicating our dreams and thoughts, by considering the full lives of our readers, by helping spark hope in others. We can help others find their voice writing just like we can teach someone how to wear a hat in the sunshine or learn to swim.

Writers must write just to write because like the ocean there is always something going on there for us, beneath the page, but often we must dive in to experience it.

Come on in, the water is warm.

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay

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