Welcome to Writing Hour

A dedicated space for writing, with lo-fi music and no distractions

Scott Lamb
Writing Hour
2 min readNov 27, 2023


What is Writing Hour?
A dedicated hour on your schedule to work on some writing. We gather together on Zoom with some calm music and a welcome screen, but there’s no feedback, no talking, cameras and mics off. (Ah, the sweet joy of being on mute!) All forms of writing are equally welcome — a Medium story of course, but also your novel, that email you’ve been putting off, a haiku, the SQL query your boss has been asking about.

To join Writing Hour during any of our scheduled weekly times (see below), go here: Writing Hour Zoom

If you’d like to get a weekly reminder about when Writing Hour is happening, you can sign up to get notified here with our newsletter, The Prompt.


When is Writing Hour?

Writing Hour happens every Thursday at the following times:

🗽 New York 9:00am EST (that’s 2pm in London, 6am in San Francisco)
🌁 San Francisco 9:00am PST (that’s 5pm in London, noon in New York)

(To convert those to your local time, just go here.)

How do I join?

We host Writing Hour on Zoom. When you join the call, you’ll just see a simple slide with a welcome message, and music will be playing. There’s no official “kick off” — the time is simply yours do with as you wish. (Sort of like life, no?) Chat will be enabled, if you’d like to say hello.

What am I supposed to do?

Just write! We’ll have mics and cameras off by default, and music will be playing. The rest is up to you.

Can I share my writing here?

Only if someone asks. Otherwise, please don’t post links, ask for claps/follows/highlights, or engage in other forms of self-promotion. This is a working space.

Oh, the chat will be on?

Yes, so feel free to say hello as folks come into the space, and we may have a simple sharing prompt up on the screen. But please keep chat to a minimum.

Can I unmute or direct message other people during Writing Hour?

No, we want to keep the hour as distraction-free as possible.

Can I raise questions here about publishing on Medium, how to use the site, or when the Partner Program will expand to my country?

We’ve got other, better forums for those questions — start by checking out our robust Help Center.



Scott Lamb
Writing Hour

VP, Content @ Medium. I'm here to support people writing words on the internet. Priors: BuzzFeed, YouTube, Salon.com