Poetry|Writing in the Margins

New Growth

A poem

Noelle R. Beauregard
Writing in the Margins
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Photo by author

There’s nothing quite like the sting of falling ice
To remind you that you’re alive,
Especially when you don’t feel that way.
Although it’s bitterly cold,
The snow acts as insulation.
You’ve created a peaceful, cozy igloo cocoon.
Everything stills
As you stand on your own
In the muted cold air.
But just like the snow, you feel adrift.
The snow gently falling
Reminds you that
Maybe you’re not truly alone.
It just feels like that right now.
As you walk, the snow fills in your trail of footprints.
You feel as though
Only you carry this weight,
And no one else knows.
You’re looking for the right spark
To ignite the thaw.
You yearn for the hits of oxytocin
From the genuine love, touch, and embrace
Of someone who heightens your senses
And makes colors and scents more vivid.
Here in the desert,
The tumbleweeds must make their journey first
Before everything else comes to life.
The disorganized winds blow,
And there’s a back and forth of
Hot and cold
Before the embers really catch,
And spring leads to the blaze of summer.
With progress and inner growth,
Little floral fireworks begin
Springing to life beneath your feet,
But the hardest part is weeding and tending the plot,
Especially when it feels like it won’t lead to anything.
That’s where faith comes in.
Those seeds were planted long ago,
And you just have to wait for them to grow.



Noelle R. Beauregard
Writing in the Margins

SEO Certified Copywriter/Content Marketer/Editor/Ghostwriter for hire. ✉️ Email: NoelleRBeauregard@gmail.com