Poetry Sonnet

A poem (5/5 in nostalgia series)

Noelle R. Beauregard
Writing in the Margins


Photo credit: Matthew Henry via Burst

O, how I dislike writing poetry,
With its many parts and many rhyme schemes,
With its oxymorons and similes,
With its puns, irony, and sarcasm,
And whatever else it may contain.
Free verse and lyric poems aren’t that bad,
But of this I am now very certain:
That writing poetry makes me quite sad.
Writing poetry bores me O so much,
And if only you knew how it grieves me
To have to sit here and write all this such
Lit, I wish I had an allergy.
At least I made an attempt and I tried
This type of literature I do despise.

A sonnet I wrote in high school for an assignment.

Editorial note: I am happy to report I no longer despise writing poetry. ;)

Read 4/5 here:



Noelle R. Beauregard
Writing in the Margins

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