103 children kidnapped by Mystery Man

Meerra M
Writing in the Media


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In the quiet hours of mass when all the villagers of Hamlin were at Church celebrating Saint John and Paul’s day, a mystery man has entered Hamlin and kidnapped 103 children. The police are on the lookout for the suspect.

On the morning of 26th June, the villagers had finished mass and came out to find that their playing children were missing. Only three remained. One of the children explained that a tall man dressed in green, like a hunter, arrived playing his pipe.

“ It was an enchanting music, we were all so mesmerised! All the other children began to follow him and danced away with him. I wanted to follow too but I can’t walk”

“It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard” claimed the second child,“The music made me so happy, I tried to follow but I am blind and walked into a tree”

The third child was deaf hence he was unaffected. The police have come to the conclusion that it is the work of hypnotism, but are still perplexed at how this kidnap has occurred. There is a heavy police patrol searching for this man but there are no clues as to where the children could be. Parents remain panicked and are doubtful if they will find their children.

One of the parents has told the Medium that a man of this similar identification has visited Hamlin before to help eradicate their rat-infestation. The Mayor had requested this rat-catcher to help them in exchange for money. The man that was dressed in multicoloured clothes lured the rats away by playing his pipe and came back for his payment but was refused by the Mayor. After a heavy dispute, the piper stormed out of town and vowed to seek revenge.

The police have claimed that there is a possibility that both these men are the same but have not confirmed anything. The Mayor of Hamlin has made no comments. However, the parents remain worried and are becoming restless.

“We just want our children back, we want to know what has happened to them.”

