7 issues only true Harry Potter fans have, according to research

tiffany sutcliffe
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 10, 2017
Image copyright: www.howtomash.com

To those who aren’t die hard fans of Harry Potter, the day to day frustrations which fans rant about may seem pointless and pedantic. However, for those of whom the Harry Potter books is their equivalent of the bible, these issues are a constant source of aggravation. To relieve the stress for the Pot-Heads of the world (get it?), here is a list of 7 top researched issues which commonly aggravate dedicated Potter fans.

*warning! Spoilers ahead*

  1. It’s ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ not ‘Sorcerers Stone’

Why is it that publishers feel that the word ‘philosopher’ is too difficult for American readers? Surely it’s an insult to their intelligence that they cannot be trusted not to throw the book away in a fit of anger and confusion simply because it is labelled ‘the Philosopher’s Stone’?

2. McGonagall gets no where near enough screen time in the films

Proffessor McGonagall is one of the best characters in the books, and Maggie Smith portrays her with absolute perfection! With this in mind, why on earth are her best moments left out of the films? True, she does some bad-ass things and is allowed a few great one liners in the films but this simply does not do justice to how amazing she is in the Books.

3. Characters who don’t even appear in the films

Ludo Bagman, Charlie Weasley, Winky, Peeves, Sterges Podmore, I could go on!

4. Harry and Sirius

Gary Oldman is a great Sirius — don’t get me wrong! But in the books, Harry relies on his correspondence with Sirius far more than is demonstrated in the films, which makes Sirius’ tragic death all the more heartbreaking both for the readers and for Harry. Sirius is also written far gentler in the films, and it doesn’t fit at all with his book counterpart who is a straight talking, reckless character.

5. Book Ginny vs film Ginny

Every Potter fan I have ever discussed this topic with has always agreed that, in the films, Ginny is an outrageously underdeveloped character compared to in the books. Those who have only seen the films often wonder why Harry falls for such an irrelevant character when there is a vast array of stronger female characters to choose from. In the books, Ginny is independent and funny, and fans can completely understand see why she and Harry end up together. It is therefore frustrating not to see Ginny given the time she deserves in the films.

6. Neville’s parents

In the films, Neville has a heart to heart with Harry where he tells his tragic story about how he came to live with his grandmother. This could not be more different from the books! In the books, Harry finds out from Dumbledore that Neville’s parents were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and is sworn to secrecy. Ron and Hermione later discover the unhappy truth in an uncomfortable encounter with Neville and his parents at St. Mungo’s Hospital.

7. Dumbledore’s true story

Dumbledore’s backstory tortures Harry throughout the entirety of the 7th book until the truth is finally declared by Aberforth in a whirlwind of emotion. It seems almost a miscarriage of justice that such an important plot-line is completely glossed over in the films.

Whilst these mistakes may not seem life altering, they are nevertheless a source of frustration to Harry Potter readers. I enjoy the films and have nothing against those who have not read the books. What is most important of all is the fact that we have been lucky enough to grow up with these books and films in our lives. But just think, imagine how much more amazing the whole thing could have been with a few more hours added to each film!

With thanks to Naomi Gilad

