According to Research Milk Can Cause Certain Kinds of Cancer

Viviane Ding
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 10, 2017

Do you remember how your parents told you how healthy milk is and that it helps you to grow big and strong? Not only our parents, but also the media and advertisements told us constantly how healthy milk is. After all, it contains a lot of calcium and proteins. Well, in earlier times most people thought so. But, according to more current research, milk is not as good as we all thought. In fact, it can even cause cancer.

Let’s think about what milk really is. Originally milk is made to nourish calves, it is not meant to be drunk by humans. Especially not by adults. In fact, if you really think about it, it is really strange, isn’t it? However, since our childhood, we are so used to consuming milk, that most of us don’t question it. But why is milk bad for us? At first, it has to be said, that milk is not a natural product anymore, as the advertising industry suggests. Since we drink a lot of milk, mass production is a common way to cover the high demand. The happy cows standing on green meadows are only an illusion by the advertising industry.

A study of the Harvard University by Ganmaa Davaasambuu addresses a problem in the high concentration of oestrogen. The reason why milk contains so many of this hormone is that most of the milk we can buy is the milk of cows in calf. This kind of oestrogen we can find in milk may cause hormone-related kinds of cancers like breast cancer or prostate cancer.

Other components of milk that could also be linked to cancer, are the high concentration of calcium and growth hormones. Although calcium normally strengthens the bones, milk does not make them stronger at all. In fact, milk can even cause brittle bones. Another reason to not consume milk and dairy products any longer. Additionally, cows nowadays have to produce such a high amount of milk that they often suffer from inflammation of their glands. Therefore they are often given antibiotics, which, of course, can also be found in their milk. There are even more diseases which might be caused by milk consumption. Examples are asthma or diabetes. Furthermore, milk has also a bad effect on the skin; it can provoke acne. All these facts, don’t make milk look so good anymore, right?

Another fact that confirms, that milk might have a bad influence on our health is, that in Asian countries, like Japan, for instance, women are only rarely afflicted with breast cancer and also osteoporosis is not as widespread as in Europe for example. Traditionally, milk and dairy products are only rarely or not at all consumed in these countries.

Another reason to avoid milk is that the cows really have to suffer due to the mass production. The females and their calves often get separated right after birth so that the milk, that is actually supposed to feed the calf, can be sold. Male calves are butchered and female calves are raised to become a part of the mass production of milk. When a cow is too old or unable to produce enough milk any longer, the farmers get rid of them and kill them.

But what can we do? After all, milk and dairy products are everywhere and we eat and drink these products all the time, no matter if it’s coffee or tea with milk, yoghurt or cheese. Well, nowadays we are quite lucky, since it has become much more easy to avoid all these products. There are so many great and vegan alternatives, ranging from replacements for milk like almond milk, soy milk or coconut milk, to vegan dairy products. You can get them in most supermarkets. Yes, it is true that these alternatives are often more expensive, but I think it’s worth it. After all, it’s about our health and another advantage is, that we can also help animals. In case you really don’t want to do without milk, it is at least advisable to reduce your consumption. Besides, you don’t have to do that overnight. Just take your time and try to reduce milk in little steps.

With thanks to Naomi Gilad

