According to Research, Wednesday is the Most Popular Day of the Week to go on a First Date.

Melis Kupelioglu
Writing in the Media
4 min readMar 17, 2017
Melis Kupelioglu February 2017

Research has been conducted to investigate what each night of the week means. According to research, it does make a difference in which day you go on your first date. Below there are 7 different nights of the week saying completely different things about your date.

The Monday Night Date:

Research shows that Monday night is the undisputable antithesis of “date night”. People are usually having their Monday Syndrome and are back from very long day work to their houses. They are looking forward to come to house as quickly as possible to have their weeknight routines. They afford to only getting caught up on the errands like grocery shopping, laundry, going to the gym and preparing their supper. People tend to be really stressed and tired of this long tedious day! There is nothing sexy about a Monday night. Thus, if your partner or partner candidate schedules a date with you on a Monday night it means they are really eager to spend time with you. To be honest, they don’t even want to wait for a more socially acceptable nights of the week. Who wants to go on a date on Monday nights?

The Tuesday Night Date:

A Tuesday Night date may be contradictory. They will grab coffee or a drink with you, and if things go well, it will then turn into a late night. They know that they don’t have too much night time to spend as the week day is coming after Tuesday! So, they try to make things as fast as possible. It is also the night of “I’ll just pop by for one drink and if it sucks I will be home in time.” They don’t go on a date on Tuesday night with the expectation of a super long evening. Have a think about it; you can’t even share your ideas or you can’t even get to know each other. It is the night of “all or nothing”.

The Wednesday Night Date:

According to statistics, it’s the best night of the week for a date. Who does not want to have a nice break in the week? In the Wednesday night, people have recovered from the weekend and are looking for a nice award for their hard work in the first three days of the week. Also it can be a refreshment night as well! Maybe an incentive night for the rest of the week days? Because it’s a weeknight, Wednesday nights are full of stress by “Will we spend the night together?” pressure, which can free people up and lets longer nights feel more spontaneous. A night without any plans, with less stress, and with more improvisation! Just live the night without thinking about what is going to happen a minute later. Is it not the best way to live the night by behaving like absolutely how you are?

The Thursday Night Date:

When Thursday arrives it means, almost the weekend. People usually feel free to stay out late on a Thursday night despite still not being completely free for all night! Of course hangovers on Fridays are inevitable. Thursday nights are pretty good for a date! It means you want to have a good time with your partner, but you are not yet ready to give up for the rest of the weekend time. Don’t forget that you have a job to go to tomorrow morning!

The Friday Night Date:

It is the second best date night of the week. People are ready to go out. The lack of work the next day obviously means staying out late till the morning! Friday night loses some of its edge by virtue of dates. People usually have time to stop their festive at home. Bad news; not for long. This means that people are less rested, and less primped, than they would be for a Saturday night date.

The Saturday Night Date:

The only day of the week where you don’t work all day, and also don’t have to be anywhere the next morning. It is only once a week, so people often spend it with a night out with friends! If someone makes plans with you for that night, it is pretty obvious that they care about you and will enjoy hanging out with you than anyone else. For the girls; take advantage of the extra time that night to really get ready for the date! However, don’t forget that Saturday night is the night full of madness, alcohol, sleepovers, and hangovers! Be careful fellas!

The Sunday Night Date:

Worst night of the week. A Sunday night means you both had other plans with other people on Friday and Saturday nights. You’re both probably having hangovers and stressed about the work week ahead. Presumably, you won’t stay out late, won’t drink too much because you’re broke. It is believed that Sundays are no fun for dates so it is better to stay in and have a rest for the upcoming long weekdays!

With thanks to Ellis Wiggins and Eloise Douglass

