According to science, humans will have sex with robots

Silvia Haubert
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 5, 2018

Will we prefer robotic contact to human contact?

By now we have accepted that our era is gifting us with incredible new discoveries almost every single day in medicine, in technology and robotics.

Thanks to science, we might be able to enjoy a whole new world — the wold of technosexuality.

People are fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence, especially on how it can simplify our lives. Some are thinking on how to make our sex lives easier by creating sex robots.

This is already happening. In fact, sex robots are not just an idea out of a science-fiction book or a new netflix series. They are very real, indeed. They even have names, like Samantha or Harmony or Solama and they can do all sorts of things to please their owner.

As technology advances, sex robots are becoming not only more realistc, but also more interactive than ever before. For instance, some have realistic-feeling human skin and even vaginas that warm up to contact.

While this may sound super creepy to you right now, experts and psychologists do believe that having sex with robots with become the norm.

Source: Getty

The ideal purpose of sex robots

  • Sleeping with robots could end sex slavery
    Some people are welcoming the introduction of robots, especially in the sex market. They argue that it will be beneficial and has the potential of ending sex slavery. It’s not hard for me to imagine that in the future this could actually be legal. The problem would be whether robots will have to give consent too.
  • Sleeping with robots could decrease the risk of contracting STDs
    Even in the future, we will be having sex. Moreover, with sexual images spreading in almost every corner and in every social media platform, I assume that the desire for sex will increase too which means a higher risk of contracting sexual infections. Well, robots cannot transmitt those, right? But what if the robot is shared? How clean can that be then?
  • Sleeping with robots doesn’t count as cheating
    Theoretically speaking, we are not having sex with a person. Therefore, there is no need to lie to our partner. However, as robots are becoming more and more interactive and almost human-like, it doesn’t seem unimaginable for someone to develop real feelings and ending up prefering a robot to a human. In fact, movies have already been made about this.
  • Sleeping wih robots could help with loneliness
    Promoters believe that robots could be aimed for disabled, lonely or mentally unstable people who would’t be able to have sex easily or without the help of prostitution. It sounds good until this might be aimed for child molesters or pedophiles too. The argument for supporters is that it could be therapeutically beneficial as they won’t live with a repressed desire anymore and it gives them what they want without harming anybody. However, is it right to basically give these criminals pleasure in criminal activity just because their victims are made artificially?

According and thanks to science, we will eventually have sex with robots. Maybe (and hopefully) not all of us, but some will definitely do. The real question is whether it’s ethically correct or not and it might just be a matter of points of view. For some, sex robots are just like sex toys: a new way to please our sexual desires. For others, it’s a question of what makes us human and what differs us from robots? Especially if those robots have artificial intellingence that can make them speak, think and feel and look very similar to us.

Moreover, sex alone is central for our being. Is how we all got here: a natural desire we instictively all have to pass on our DNA. Therefore, if we take this away and robotise even reproduction and the way we reproduce, what remains of our humanity? Will robots do everything for us then?

