Are these ‘icks’ irrational?

Writing in the Media
4 min readMar 31, 2021

F irstly, an ick is not meant to be rational. Let us just put that out there. But once it hits you, it’s not something that can easily be shrugged off.

It only needs to happen one time, when you notice that one thing about that person you were seeing that you may have never even been aware of…when they chew that one way, or when you realise that their voice is just a tad bit too high. You’re not simply cringed out when this happens, but you become repulsed by anything else they do.

The following list is a compilation of icks that people have admitted to having.

But how irrational is too irrational?

My irrationality-meter takes you from a mild zero(not that irrational) to a ten.



We’ve such inexpensive creations like Vaseline, Carmex, Burts’s Bees, DIY lip exfoliators on WIKIHOW, which just require the use of sugar and honey…yet you choose to approach people with your flaking, bleeding lips? It’s verging on disrespectful.



Hygiene! Hygiene! Hygiene!!! This should not even qualify as an ick because cleanliness should be normal. Those of you who love your long, acrylic nails, this is also aimed at you. You should make sure to always double-check your nails, just in case you may have the last of that seafood boil residue camping up in there.



The grandad phone cases. We’ve all seen them and I’ve personally owned one. Practicality and absent-mindedness led me astray but I can say with a clear conscience that I’ve never gone back to it. It may not make sense to the next man but I feel this girl’s pain.



Dreams are a strange one because the person in question hasn’t actually done anything. But I give it a 9 and not a 10 (so not completely irrational) because your subconscious could actually be trying to warn you about this person; you may even liken it to a gut feeling —when has your gut feeling ever led you astray?



It’s irrational. But I understand, and it applies to everyone I’m afraid. Because why are you running for the bus? And then you miss the bus. Shame on you.



God forbid they actually fall down. In public. The second-hand embarrassment would have me continue walking without even attempting to help them up. Yes, everyone trips, but don’t trip in front of me, you’re meant to be perfect. This ick is quite high on my irrationality-meter simply for the fact that a curb or a pebble could catch you off-guard at any moment!




If it’s your underwear that’s slipping down and for some reason, you can’t find something that fits, maybe put a belt around it. And wear a second belt on your bottoms for that extra security, because there is no reason for you to be parading around town with your crack on display.



According to this user, men do not have the right to struggle to reach that very top shelf at the supermarket. This ick deserves its own irrationality meter. I’m not one to ick-shame but I’m failing to see even the smallest of sense in this one.



Everyone wants to be with the person within the friendship group who runs things and is respected by every member. That person is funny but they’re never the butt of the joke because they’re genuinely funny.

That person is not the person in this scenario.

Here we have someone who’s probably had to repeat their joke at least 3 times now but no one is acknowledging them —not because they weren’t heard, but because the joke wasn’t funny the first time. And to be present, witnessing this??? This user suggests that’s cause for a breakup, and I’m inclined to agree.

Pretty ridiculous though.


I simply do not know what this means.

But on a last note, what may ick you out about one person could end up being the things you love about the next. But like I said, it only takes one wrong move. The ick doesn’t just creep up on you, it grabs you by surprise and has you in a chokehold until you acknowledge its existence.

Stay vigilant!

