Are Too Many Vitamins Actually Bad For You? Here’s The Truth…

Rebecca Ashley
Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 26, 2018

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”- Hippocrates

Photograph ©

For years the media, our GP’s and even our elders have been drilling into us that ‘too many vitamins are not good for you’. Many people claim that because vitamins are not prescribed by doctors, they must be dangerous. The ‘Popular Science’ group even go as far as suggesting that “medicine is bound by evidence. Supplements aren’t”. Well, over 80 years’ worth of research says otherwise.

Doctor Andrew Saul is a Therapeutic Nutrition Specialist who has a Ph.D. in Human Ethology. He’s featured in health documentaries such as, ‘Food Matters’ and has his own YouTube channel, Andrew Saul PhD where he educates his audience on the advantageous benefits of vitamins. Here’s one of his videos:

Video © Andrew Saul PhD

Some of the outstanding research mentioned in the video states:

1990- Vitamin C successfully treated Kidney Cancer

2005- Vitamin C killed cancer cells without harming normal cells

2016- Antioxidants from Vitamin C reduced aggressive prostate cancer risk by two thirds

Moreover, according to Dr. Saul’s articles on Orthomolecular Medicine News, there were no deaths in 2015 caused by vitamins and zero ever from supplements or minerals. That’s because it’s extremely difficult to overdose on something that’s natural, and even if someone did take ‘too’ many vitamins the excess would naturally and safely pass through their urine.

Comparatively, the Food and Drug Administration states there are 106,000 deaths per year, in the USA alone, due to adverse drug reactions. That’s because drugs are dangerous. Almost all prescribed drugs have unpleasant side effects, so this begs the question: if drugs were good for they would make you feel better not sick, right? This leads me onto the next point:


Photograph © MistyBlueCancerCare

In most countries, including England and the USA, the only legal treatments available for cancer patients are intrusive surgery, aggressive radiation and chemotherapy. However, these treatments cause patients to become severely sick because they’re poisonous, unnatural and unhealthy- in fact they can cause cancer! Additionally, radiation kills the healthy cells that are required for the patient to stay strong, making them even more sick. This seems unnecessary when other, un-harmful solutions are viable:

Nutritional Therapy

Photograph © Complementary Health Centre

“Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health and optimal performance”- MoonBeam

This therapy relies solely on using natural minerals, supplements and vitamins to treat patients for an extensive range of ailments and chronic illnesses. However, according to The Association of UK Dieticians, many doctors are not taught about nutrition or trained on how to advise their patients about how diet and nutrition affects their health. Moreover, according to the Food Matters documentary, ‘less than 6% of graduating physicians in the USA receive any formal training in nutrition’. This is worrying because even qualified doctors can’t guide us into a healthy direction.

Arguably however, the biggest barrier between nutritional therapy becoming the leading form of medical treatment is the trillion-dollar Pharmaceutical industry.

Photograph © Silverson

Because, if this industry really cared about our health then they would research more into the fact that vitamins work in treating all kinds of illnesses. Unfortunately however, it’s an industry that cannot afford to be tainted by phenomena like nutritional therapy, otherwise it’ll lose money.

Now, you may be thinking vitamins sound too good to be true- I thought the same but the truth became clear when research taught me this-there is not one cell in your entire body which is made from a drug, but every single cell is made from vitamins.

Sadly however, the power of nutritional therapy is turned a blind eye to by the pharmaceutical world and is usually negatively portrayed in the media. Moreover, we know that even doctors haven’t been educated on nutrition, so even if they wanted to make a change and help, they can’t. So who can?

I say, we can.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”- Thomas Edison

We can research the truth from specialists ourselves, make our own decisions and encourage others to find the key to health. We won’t let the pharmaceutical corporations damage our health, leading them to wealth. We won’t be influenced by the popular press who try to convince us into having ‘a pill for every ill’. We’ll help ourselves and increase positive awareness towards vitamins and nutrition, because the evidence is there and it doesn’t lie. So, don’t be fooled by those who tell you “we need more research” instead, “look at the research we already have”- Dr. Andrew Saul.

Photograph © MoonBeam

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on this topic! :)

