Bittersweet Young Love

Lizzie Gill
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 11, 2016

Living in such a busy world, it’s nice to sit here and stop for a minute.

Glancing around the coffee shop I can see girlfriends catching up, a suited man heading off to work with his quadruple espresso, and kids with their school bags the size of their bodies. The atmosphere is hectic, to say the least. But the atmosphere is calm when I look over at a guy and girl, about 20 years old who are simply enjoying each other’s company. A rare sighting nowadays. They’re in the moment with each other and it’s bittersweet.

This couple really sticks out, in such a perfect way. She isn’t wearing a crop top, showing off her boobs, and he isn’t staring at them, waiting to get lucky. They are talking. Just talking, something we don’t do anymore. Texting does not count.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching too much Sex in the City, or it’s the fact that I’m being such a mainstream girl with her laptop and latte right now, but why doesn’t monogamy or finding “the one” exist anymore, not for young adults anyway? Half of us are in a constant cycle of never being liked back, while the other half just want to get laid. Everyone is different, I understand that, but what I can’t get my head around is why there are no happy, long lasting couples my age?

What is it about being a young adult that scares off any form of long term commitment? It’s a no-go zone for sure. If two people start a relationship, we look on and saw ‘aww, how cute’ because we know come next week or month, they won’t be together. Something about being a young adult repels relationships, and I’m yet to find out why.

The only thing that remains consistent nowadays is seeing girls practically naked, in heels they can’t walk in and lads grabbing them in the club. AKA, the Prince Charmings of the 21st century.

I know, it’s gross, I’m a hopeless romantic and I’m lucky to have someone for 5 ½ years now. He’s my best friend. But it seems like my own relationship is the only one that is surviving young adulthood. Of course we have ups and downs, like any relationship, but we get through it all. The same cannot be said for every other couple my age that I know of.

Why do I feel like the odd one out in society? Why are we the minority?

Why are girls kissing far too many frogs and never finding their prince and why can’t guys find their love who fits the glass slipper? More importantly why does no one seem to care?

As I said, we are all very busy in our lives, the world keeps turning and the days keep coming. Yet it feels very slow in this coffee shop today.

A bittersweet Friday.

