Cats are better than dogs, even science says so

Amelia Carpenter
Writing in the Media
3 min readFeb 18, 2020

The global debate of “which animal is better, cats or dogs?” seems never ending. However, scientific evidence can now confirm that cats are the superior species.

Photo by Anusha Barwa on Unsplash

For centuries, we have been arguing back and forth about which of the two is the best animal. Some people are devoutly dog supporters, whereas other will not hesitate to defend their feline friends. We can all admit to watching entertaining cat videos online, or crying with laughter at dogs’ reactions to disappearing tricks, but ultimately, everyone has chosen their side. It’s been a long and hard war but, at last, it is over. And cats have won.

I can’t deny that dogs are wonderful creatures and probably make great pets, however they can’t compare to cats. They have managed to one-up canines in numerous ways, including the fact that they don’t smell, they don’t take up much room and they’re incredibly low maintenance. Personal preference aside, scientific evidence has arisen proving that cats do in fact have the upper-paw.

Cats have actually caused the extinction of over 40 species of dogs in North America, making them the most successful killer of the two.

A recent study has discovered over 2,000 fossils, which reveal how members of the cat family are much better survivors than dogs. Their retractable claws have worked to their advantage and made their hunts far more successful. They can choose when to use their pointed nails as a deadly weapon, whereas dogs have theirs constantly exposed. This allows cats to keep their claws nice and sharp, making it far easier to catch prey in the wild. Dogs, however, do not have this luxury and their claws are gradually filed down to nothing. With this advantage, cats are much better hunters and have triumphantly outlived dogs in the wild.

Image by Pixabay

Cats are also very intelligent creatures and science can prove that too!

Their brain may make up a smaller proportion of their body compared to a dog’s, but it is jam packed and full of cleverness. A cat’s brain contains 300 million neurons whereas a dog’s only contains a mere 160 million. People mistakenly assume that dogs are more intelligent because they respond to various commands given by humans. But cats can also respond to human stimuli such as pointing and can solve puzzles to find food. They’re also much more persevering compared to dogs who give up easily and literally beg for human help.

The misconception that dogs have a higher level of intelligence when it comes to human obedience is only due to being domesticated at least 20,000 years earlier than cats.

Cats have even learnt how to deceive humans, they’re that clever.

They can produce more than 100 different sounds, far more impressive than the pathetic 10 noises that dogs can make, and have tailored some of these to manipulate us. Cats have developed their meow so that it mimics a baby’s cry. So, when they’re hungry and asking for food, it’s near impossible for humans to ignore their meows because it resembles that of a new-born baby. I’d like to see a dog try and do that.

Cats can also improve your health dramatically. I mean dogs can too, but cats don’t smell like they’ve just emerged from a swamp every time you fancy a cuddle. Owning a cat can actually reduce your chances of having a heart attack by 40%. It’s a win-win situation. You lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and have the bonus of a fluffy little friend. Cats also live longer than dogs, so you can really make the most of the health benefits they provide.

So, there you have it. Even though they may not appear it at first, cats are far more intelligent than dogs and are a huge help to their owners.

You can’t argue with science; cats are officially better than dogs.



Writing in the Media
Writing in the Media

Published in Writing in the Media

These are articles written by students at the University of Kent taking the module ‘Writing in the Media’

Amelia Carpenter
Amelia Carpenter

Written by Amelia Carpenter

UKC Spanish and English Graduate

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