Did Cinderella lose her shoe on purpose?

Cinderella has claimed that the BBt inaccurately reported, her shoe as lost.

Thomas Madden
Writing in the Media
2 min readMar 29, 2016



‘It didn’t fall off, I pulled it off. The BBt got it wrong’ exclaimed Cinderella Ella.

“You see, I went in the toilet and I walked out of the cubicle, only to find a piece of dirty toilet role stuck to my glass slipper. I didn’t know what to do. I was in a terrible predicament. The shoe was completely transparent and the mess on that toilet roll was stuck to the glass base of the shoe”

“I thought because the shoe was made completely out of glass that it would be difficult to clean and remove”

“How wrong was I?”

What happened next?

Cinderella ended up leaving the party and discarding her shoe intentionally. She went on to note, “it’s not like I forked out a lot of money for the shoe, if I need another one I’ll give the fairy god mother a ring. I’m sure she can hook me up — preferably with a child-proof version, next time”.

“I was more worried that my two sisters would see it and mock me all weekend”. Furthermore stating, “They’re such cows, I have to clean up for them all weekend, make them dresses and charge their iPods. The ‘bitches’ could at least say thank you and give me a pop-tart on Wednesdays”.

Cinderella went on to clarify, “The dopey Prince spent well too long trying to give me my shoe back. As soon as I got it back, I put it in the bin — I got enough to clean without the worry of that shoe”

