‘Don’t be a….’

Bryan Brizzle Tichy
Writing in the Media
2 min readMar 26, 2018
Unsplash: @miklevasilyev

You never know until you try this love thing right?

Have you ever began to fall in love with someone but just cannot get yourself to ‘fall’ any further for any of the reasons below?

1. The past haunts you

Here is the thing about the past - it’s in the past. Most of the time we’re happy that certain things happened in the past and stay in the past. Somehow, when it comes to love-life this is often forgotten. A bad relationship experience is one example of something that may have an effect on you deciding to fall further or deeper in love with a new person as you may think the same could potentially happen and bring back all the pain. And yet, the relationship you have now has shown no signs of it being toxic besides just two people falling for each other. This is when you start to allow the past to control what is happening in your life now and what will happen in the future. This should never be a reason you don’t allow yourself to fall in love with someone new and experience a new love story which could be ‘the one’ — you never know.

2. You’re not ready

This is an excuse! It basically means, ‘I don’t really know what I want and I am too much of a…(see image above) to commit to something. When you find yourself asking whether you are ready or not, you should also ask yourself what would need to magically change to make you ready. You’ll find that in most cases, there is nothing that needs to change and if anything, you already behave like you are in a relationship. In other words, not being ready is really just not wanting to commit to a new relationship even though you have a connection and are falling for each other. Why would you start something and then claim to not be ready when you saw all the flashing signs when you spent all the time together? It’s all just an excuse and maybe you just don’t see the ‘thing’ going any further than it is but tough, because once one person starts to feel that more needs to happen, better get yourself ready ‘asap’ or else someone’s going to get hurt.

Just Do iT!!!!!

If any of the reasons above apply to you then please………………………DON’T BE A…(see image above)

