Fake News Is the Best News … Isn’t it?

Ardelle Odartey
Writing in the Media
5 min readMar 20, 2017
Photo taken from LoveThisPic

Why feed us the lies?

Are we as people more inclined to hear a lie than the actual truth because it is entertaining?

Everything must be fabricated or a fairytale. This smart technique is used by reporters, politicians, companies and celebs through media.

Once we see something online we often believe it to be true. However do we ever check to see if it’s true or just go along with the story and pass it around? That’s the problem with fake news, we know its fake and carry on entertaining the lies because it is funny/ interesting or it is hard to spot the lies and take it in as an actual story.

It is a problem because these stories are completely made up and people just continue to share it and it becomes a major headline spreading across the world.

Photo taken from bitmoji

Now there are two kinds of fake news:

1. False stories that are purposely published. Just to benefit that newspaper, website or person. They deliberately make people believe the lies, even though they are aware that what they are saying is utter garbage.

2. Then there are false stories that have some truth in them to an extent which is due to the laziness of the journalist as they did not check for right information therefore giving out false news. Also journalists tend exaggerate news just for readers to be more entertained.

With the power of social media this makes stories to spread even faster, which is evidently dangerous. However it has its perks as well.

Now let me give you a few stories which could be considered as “fake news” and you can be the judge as to whether it is good/bad news. However I’m going to put my two pence in as well, just because can!

Imagine seeing this title and these pictures — what would you instantly think

‘Hope she was worth it’: Spurned lover gets VERY public revenge by leaving graffiti on a £75,000 Range Rover parked outside Harrods’ — Mail Online

Photo taken from Roger Parker (Mail Online)
Photo taken from Roger Parker (Mail Online)

When I first saw this I thought it was such a juicy story and I do have some crazy friends who would definetly do this just because their feelings have been hurt by dogs — sorry I meant men. Also lots of females can relate to this type of hurt this woman must have been feeling. So it is not surprising it went viral. However later on in the day when this story was published it appeared to be fake. The whole story with the guy cheating on this woman was a publicity stunt for a new television show!

Fair enough everyone was blindsighted by this story, so news outlets felt they were giving people the truth. However, I noticed on the MailOnline that the story was exaggerated even more, after those people revealed it was a stunt. The Huffington Post and The Independent highlighted that the woman spray painted the car, however they admit there is more to the story and revealing this was a fake story. Furthermore the fact that the MailOnline continued to exaggerate the story even more, are they an example of fake news? I will leave it up to you decide.

Now Another story…

Photo taken from Stormzy’s Twitter page

This recent news is just two days old. By examining the front page, it seems as though Stormzy (artist) has agreed to speak to this magazine about his depression. So it looks like a truthful story you can read. However it came to everybody’s attention on Thursday evening that Stormzy did not authorise this story, nor did he agree for his face to be used as the front cover.

This is completely unfair NME has completely deceived people into thinking that Stormzy had a one-on-one interview about something so sensitive — just to get recognition. With fake news, many celebrities and politicians are victims in order for outlets to gain popularity, regonition, numbers increasing and fame. However they are forgetting these celebrities and politicians are real people which is taking advantage and exploiting these people. As a result Stormzy ranted at the magazine and let the real truth come out on twitter.

So there you have it, a few examples of fake news. The reason as to why I chose the title “Fake news is the best news … isn’t it?” Due to the fact it can benefit a certain brand and it can make someone get recognition. This was evident with the woman spray painting the guys car. This helped the television show and the range rover brand that was pictured. So in some ways it can be seen as a good method of distributing news. However it is also a major problem, it can ruin somebody’s reputation and it can make you believe certain things are true for example whatever is happening with Donald Trump. *rolls eyes*

So here’s a piece of advice you should definitely take me in and make sure you thank me later when you notice a change in your life.


I repeat.


You have been warned x

With thanks to Adele Irlam.

