French Village in Frenzy after Threats of ‘Beast’ Living in Forest

Sophie Peace
Writing in the Media
2 min readMar 17, 2017
Photo Credit: RosyOceanBlues

A small French village has been sent into frenzy after rumours spread of Beast-like creature living nearby — father and daughter are missing.

After a local, Maurice Laurent, 62, went missing last week, as well as several sightings of a ‘large, hairy figure’ scouring the forest, villagers are starting to worry that they are all in serious danger.

The mysterious figure is said to be living in an abandoned castle right at the end of the forest, situated next to the small French village, Moncontour.

As if the villagers weren’t worried enough, Maurice’s daughter, Isabelle Laurent, 20, has not come home since yesterday morning when she went looking for her father.

The villagers share their concerns for the 20 year old:

“She’s a beautiful and friendly young girl. Her father is a bit mad, but we are concerned for him too”, Louis Durand, 47, local bookseller, tells us. “Isabelle comes into my shop everyday, and she’s never been seen without a book in her hand.”

Gaston Moreau, 23, who claims to be Isabelle’s fiancee, rants to our reporters: “Please bring my beautiful fiance home safely. We plan to marry very soon. And her poor old father. We need them home now”.

Brave detectives have made several trips out into the forest accompanied by a team of animal tamers. So far they have found a book and several rose petals outside the castle.Footprints are currently being analysed by forensic investigators.

Detective Marcel Leroy tells us “Our team are doing the very best we can. Whilst we have not yet found the two missing people, nor the mysterious creature, we have seen some very horrific sightings near the castle. We do not wish to share these photographs as we fear this is currently a far too delicate subject for the villagers”.

In response to this, Moreau tells us “The detectives are simply not trying hard enough. They have been into the forest, heard loud, roaring noises from the castle, and are too scared to go any further! It’s ridiculous.”

Meanwhile, something even stranger, other brave villagers claim to have heard ‘loud music’ from within the castle whilst strolling through the forest at night.

Investigations are still on-going. But the main task is to find young Isabelle and her father, as well as to give these investigators a kick in the behind to pluck up the courage and investigate this situation properly, even if they end up face to face with a Beast!

Villagers and visitors are advised to keep away from the forest and to stay close to the village’s centre as there is no telling how dangerous this Beast may be.

Edited with thanks to Elena

