Garment Seduction

Yiannos-Orfeas Aristides
Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 24, 2018

Let’s set the record straight people, fashion conceptualization is not for everyone. The community is split into two groups, like a coin. Some people see the one side, the heads side, which is for the people who are intrigued with the multiple routes fashion can follow. From a more general scope it is the more accepting party, which is more open-minded and see fashion as a passion and an escape in order to express themselves in any way they want. Thus, this sort of individuality is the most important element denoted to fashion as a whole by any of these groups. Conversely, the tail side, is representing the group of people who are not as accepting and engaging with the fashion industry. These group of people are the people who cannot understand that fashion is basically an onion with many layers. Therefore, if someone is likely to not be a big fan of fashion, they just judge fashion according to the surface idea or image that a person represents. However, the main problem with this kind of people is that they actually never get into the process to understand the designer’s ideology behind a garment and the philosophy behind someone matching it and wearing it as their outfit. So the main question is, why are people not ‘peeling the onion’?

Well every advertisement available on TV and on billboards are dedicated to fit, muscular guys or sexy, seductive ladies. The reason why this ‘sex factor’ is inserted to any form of ads, is to attract the eye and produce this hallucination to the viewer that the specific product is a necessity in their life. An example could be a motorcycle, with a hunky guy on it, being surrounded by sexy women, obviously fulfilling on a billboard the fantasy of any straight man. Consequently, the man relates to the guy on the advertisement and the only component away for this notion of attractiveness and sexualisation is the motorcycle, which is why this mind trick is amazingly effective.

Many people have no clue about the next statement, but the internet developed and grew because of the porn industry. After acknowledging this statement, then people can actually understand why sex sells and especially why it is appealing to the vast majority. However, fashion wise, sex does not mean wearing something which is see-through or miniskirts and fish nets with a bra, which is basically summing up the idea of ‘cheap-sexy’. Yet, sexy can be something that is leather or vinyl but barely shows any part of skin, are a body-suit which is really well tailored and enhances the body shape or boosts the more masculine or feminine body parts of the person wearing the garment in order to appear more appealing. Moreover, as Antonio Berardi stated ‘Sex and clothing fundamentally go hand in hand’, which I strongly agree with this statement. Therefore, everyone whether they just shop and dress for themselves or for the same/opposite sex, people dress to impress, an important fact of our era.

Sex and fashion combined produce confidence, strength and freedom. This is what fashion tries to produce, this necessity of sex being out in the world 24/7. People today are not appreciating sex that much because all we do is being obsessed on social media or drained from work. Yet, this is where fashion comes into play, feeling this sex gap produced by the people these days. Producing healthy sex fantasies for people with not really exposing garments. For instance, a long rain coat with a midi dress, is a really good example. Raincoats are transparent as they are made of plastic and people can see through them whilst being a long/unappealing garment. However, a skinny midi dress can shape the body in such a way, leaving the viewer with no option but to produce a burst of sex imaginations from this layering technique.

But the most important question is, who is sexy and current nowadays? Well, a vice versa effect is what is currently occurring. Thus, the less you expose the more hot it is. The clever outfits which basically hug the body in a flattering way for any individual wearing the garments are ideal. The tactics involving a hint of skin showing either the shoulder, collar bone or belly is constituted the latest fashion trend.

Modern is the new sexy and the simplest the better. For example any garment which is knitwear based can possess a modern touch just by having an open back, or any simple element of fetish which might be ankle cuffs on shoes. The best advice I can give to anyone reading this right now, is to start trying to minimalize their outfits with 1–2 colors in their pallets. Moreover, purchase items which are timeless and smart, clothes which stand out by their designs and cuts rather than stamps and extra information that make the outfit more difficult for the eye to process. You all know what they say, less is more, thank you Coco.

With thanks to Tracy Enright

