Hello, ‘You’.

Connie Mei
Writing in the Media
2 min readFeb 7, 2023

Season 4 is looming, but are You up to speed?


In 2018, Netflix brought Season 1 of ‘You’ to our screens. Based in New York City, what seemed to be a normal man named Joe Goldberg, meets a woman in a bookstore and instantly falls in love. Now, love to us can be a simple infatuation, a crush, but to Joe, this was much more. Throughout the season, we viewers watch Joe grow more attached and freakishly obsessed with this woman, but one thing stands in his way, a boyfriend. Most normal people would move on, but Joe is far from normal. The season progresses with a series of unfortunate events conducted by Joe himself. People die, brutally. People are abducted, strangely. Joe gets away with it all, ironically.

Season 2 was released in 2019 but this time, set in Los Angeles. Joe flees the city of New York in the hope he can start again, but his past life doesn’t leave him. He once again falls in love with a woman named, Love. Joe attempts to ignore this new crush but like before, this soon turned into another obsession. Much to Joe’s dismay, another man is on the scene but this time, not romantically. Love is a twin. However, for Joe, this still poses a threat. He tries to keep things platonic with Love, but his obsession runs too deep and the brother causes too much of an obstacle between his new obsession. The last episode comes as a shock to most. Joe has secrets, ghastly and murderous, but so does Love and let us just say, they are no better.

Joe and Love start season 3 as the typical nuclear family, the father, the wife, and a baby. But soon this perfect family dynamic begins to show cracks and the couple resort to therapy. A lack of trust from them both revives their old ways of obsession and soon murder. As much as he tries to change, Joe becomes obsessed with another woman and soon, Love begins to notice. The storyline is flipped, and Love is now the obstacle preventing Joe from his prize. Despite Love being the mother of his child, Joe did not let this stand in his way and the season is brought to a suspenseful end. The season ends in the city of Paris where Joe seeks to start again in the fourth season.

Season 4 release date: 9th of February 2023 (UK).

Where ‘You’ can watch:

· Netflix (Subscription)

· Prime Video (To Buy)

· Apple TV (To buy)

