Is England Next?

Thomas Madden
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 23, 2016

The attacks in Brussels have proven all too much to bear, the EU is offering support. English Officials are worried.

London (Capital city of England)

The un-covering of dead children and families has proven all too much to bear internationally. Are these attacks the mark of an attack against the whole EU?

It is yet to be confirmed, which terrorist group triggered the attacks. However, it is certain that this was an attack triggered by terrorists wearing suicide jackets. At least 30 are confirmed dead and over 180 confirmed injured. These statistics are not concrete and with every hour clearing the rubble, more heart-break is confirmed. These are a series of attacks and the timeline of events, reveal the three attacks coincide in Brussels. The first gunfire attack began at 8am, then an explosion at 8.40am at the Brussels terminal Airport and a blast reported on the train at Maalbeek Metro Station.

The UK has shown a sense of solidarity. Downing Street showed support and a sense of solidarity with Brussels, choosing to raise the Brussels’ flag across the street, to show we are supporting them through this devastation. However, much as this may anger radicals, it shows a sense of unity in the EU, a sense of unity that is understandably required to fight off such brutal attacks against mankind. Brussels has shut all public transports. These attacks are noticeably the hallmark of an extremist attack. In that they have targeted public transport due to the guarantee and certainty of killing innocent people.

English officials seem to be nervous, David Cameron has chaired a COBRA meeting and has confirmed via Twitter that there will be an increase of police officials at ‘ports, airports, Tube Stations and international railways’. Even so, offering support for a country in disarray, by tweeting ‘I have just spoken to the Belgium PM and offered our sympathies and condolences. We must stand with Belgium at this difficult time’. This opinion is universal across the House of Commons. Furthermore, the Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has offered similar sympathies in a statement released earlier today.

Belgium are on ‘house arrest’ and suspicious packages and unattended bags are being treated as ‘suspicious’. Neutralising the current state of Brussels is going to be a difficult mission for the country but continued support from the EU will effectively help. Cars passing through the main cities are being spot-checked, surveillance has stepped up and the army are on side. This is a country experiencing trouble but tackling this disaster pragmatically.

“Support is being offered to Brussels. Support has been recognized by Brussels. Support has been accepted by Brussels”

Furthermore, it is difficult to confirm how the attacks started, why they started, or what exactly happened without a full report and account released by the police. There has been mass speculation online that this was an attack triggered by ISIS. Celebrations have emerged online, with radical supporters of the extremist organisation (ISIS) showing admiration towards the extremists. Such attacks have caused upset and potential worries for a series of events planned in the run-up to summer and the Olympics. The BBC sports editor has questioned whether the attack on Brussels could prompt further attacks at the Euro2016 championships, which are to be held in just over 2 months in France.

Even so similar to England, Scotland have approached news of this disaster in an equally sensitive manner and urge the public to be vigilant. Flights to Edinburgh from Brussels have been suspended and there has been contact between Edinburgh and London terrorism colleagues, to guarantee safety of the general public and in order to resume everyday flights as quickly as possible.

Paris first, Brussels second, Is England next?

Until, the UK is fully satisfied of public safety, there will be an increased presence of uniforms on the streets. Note, the messages from officials at the moment, is that safety for individuals in the UK is paramount. Thus this is an alert. Not yet an alarm.

If you hear of any suspicious messages whether that be online or in person contact the police and be vigilant of unattended packages.

