It Would Be Much Better If My Life Was A Movie.

Anna Woods
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 21, 2017

I love my life. I am very fortunate to have genuine friends, a semi-normal family and a perfect partner, which I wouldn’t change for the world.

Despite this, at times I wish my life was a film, with a killer soundtrack and no real life stresses like exams or money. A Disney movie would be preferable, in which I would live in a fictional fairytale, where everyone got along and I could dance around without a care in the world. I would have a fabulous wardrobe, flawless skin and an amazing singing voice; this couldn’t be further from reality. If I did dance around in public without a care and talk to woodland creatures in the way the princesses do, I think there would be a cause for concern.Despite sometimes thinking that I would love to wake up with perfect hair and no need for make-up, unlike the princesses of Disney, I know that no one is perfect.

Even though we now live in a world full of images of the ‘perfect’ body and face, created by falsely editing photos, it is clear that no one is really happy with the way they look sometimes. Everyone can be insecure and want to change elements of themselves. By comparing yourself to those in magazines or on social networking sites such as Instagram, there is nothing to be gained. Everything is manufactured.


In some ways the world is like a Disney movie, with conflicts and villains, such as Donald Trump, causing division and spreading hate. It’s hard to imagine a reality, which hasn’t been torn apart from the terror of war, racism and conflict. Though if you sit and think about how different the world would be without such disasters, it seems utopic. We simply cannot live in a world where everyone gets along, because we all function differently and are not programmed the same way. Even so, it’s nice to imagine it this way.

I have been very fortunate in the last few years. I managed to find friends which are far more genuine than that of my past. I realised that to be happy, there is no use in people pleasing. Being in a friendship group that acts friendly to your face then proceeds to bitching behind your back is no friendship group at all. Although I may have lost a large amount of people that surrounded me, I am finally happy that the friends I do have are true friends. They are the types of friends that you don’t talk to for weeks on end, but when I do, it is as if no time has passed. If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self to not care about popularity, but instead to focus on who is there for you at the end of the day.

I am selfishly hoping for a happy ever after, and I know that life doesn’t always happen that way, but being raised with the tales of princesses and the optimistic belief that everything happens for a reason it’s hard not to.

Life is complicated at times, but the diversity that reality brings is close to the plot of any good movie. It is best to make use of your life, by travelling and creating experiences which allows you to live your life to the fullest. Even though it would be perfect to imagine a fairytale world, I think the diversity reality brings can sometimes be far more magical as cheesy as that sounds.

With thanks to Elena Iodice



Anna Woods
Writing in the Media

Student at the University of Kent. Film lover, travel enthusiast and overall average 21 year old.