It would be much better if you took a long walk off a short cliff.

Laura Don_
Writing in the Media
4 min readMar 29, 2017

Women hating Women? Wtf?

In this wide wonderful world we live in today, women are stronger than ever. We have power, wealth, careers and above all respect. We fought for these rights - the right to work, the right to be working mothers, the right to vote and more importantly, we fought together. We run this world and don’t ever deny it, we create life for God’s sake. (You should feel really good about yourself right now)

Yes We Do

BUT and there is a capital BUT in this because… in all of our greatness and glory that women have created and continue to conquer, there is one thing that just baffles me -why are women hating on other women? Where, what why, is this even a thing. I honestly don’t get it.

I am shook

After years of bullying and self hate I have grown some serious thick skin and you can say whatever you want to me and I won’t flinch because I know that hating someone makes you ugly and reflects your own self worth, not mine. I do however have a problem with women hating women. I don’t hate anyone -no I am not a saint or a freak, I have the wisdom to know that grudges and hate is not good for your health. It can cause stress, weight gain, wrinkles, jealousy, bitterness and honestly, hate just makes you ugly. I live in a small town and apparently there is not enough room for the amount of girls my age to live in harmony. Instead, we must participate in what I can only describe as ‘Bring it On’ meets ‘Mean Girls’ movie cliche-like-behavior. (I know pathetic)

No it’s really not

I don’t know how but I have been blessed with this reputation that I am not to be messed with so thankfully, I am rarely subjected to this ludicrous behavior, but I still see it. Women are jealous creatures and clearly it has the potential to get the better of some. It can manifest itself to the point where hate is the only way to cure it.

Dramatic eye roll included

I have had my best friends attacked in nightclubs and beaten senselessly by other girls. I have seen my best friend who has zero self confidence, be subjected to name calling, -‘fat’ ‘horseface’ ‘retarded’, by girls that I used to play sport with. In the last year I have been overwhelmed by all this hate because of a little thing called jealousy -jealous of boyfriends, jealous of looks, jealous of a body, jealous, jealous, jealous. It’s pathetic so I have something to say to all of you hate filled idiots.

Take note ladies

Dear women, you are not worthless, you are not inferior to anyone and you are unique. Why do you need to make yourself ugly? Why do you call her fat? Why do you say she is a slut? What is this going to add to your self worth? Do you feel better when you spread hate? Do you think it makes you a better person to push a girl to the ground and slap her across the face? Do you feel pretty when you and your friends beat a girl’s face up?

Just to let you know ladies, calling someone fat won’t make you thinner, calling someone a slut wont make you a better person and spreading hate won’t do you any favours. Bitching about a person’s looks is not time well spent. Surrounding yourself with negativity makes you a victim not a hero. Hating on other women is nothing to be proud of.

I have had my friends subjected to some pathetic episodes of girl on girl hate. You horrible women you pick the weak because they are easy targets, how dare you stoop that low. Don’t ever think for one minute that you know what their life is like. The girl you called “fat” last night works her ass off to be a size 10. The girl you called a “rich b*tch” works damn hard because she doesn't ask her parents for a penny and you can’t punish the girl who dates the guy you fancy, it’s not her problem.

If you think punching her face or pulling out her hair will make you a better person you need mental assistance because that is just f*cking stupid. Empty threats will get you nowhere so be the better woman, and walk away. Cut the bullshit and stop hating on your own kind.

Sincerely, a 21 year old woman who is shit sick of this issue.

