Little Boy Starved to Death by His Own Mother

Muriel Marie Magon
Writing in the Media
2 min readMar 24, 2017
Augustus Collins was a hyperactive child and his mother found it hard to tame him. ©Vance Osterhout

Family drama in Sunderland. A mother of four has been arrested after letting her son starve to death.

On Saturday morning, Augustus (8) was found dead in his bed by his younger siblings Martha (6), Wade (5) and Dorothy (3). The three children tried to wake up their brother and got worried when he wouldn’t move. The paramedics could only declare him dead. Apparently, the boy died from kidney failure as a consequence of starvation.

His mother, Meredith Collins (25), claims that Augustus refused to eat his soup and in order to teach him and his siblings a lesson she refused to give him any other food until he would eat his soup. Within only five days, stubborn Augustus lost 2 stone. When he died, he weighed only 2.5 stone.

Father, Rupert Griffith (25), claims he didn’t know about the precarious situation as he left the family for his mistress last month. He stated that he was busy with his new family and that he didn’t really care about his children anymore.

Neighbours say that the young mother was overtaxed with her four children and that she struggled to get back on track after Mr Griffith left. They also heard the boy repeatedly scream the following over the past few days: “Not any soup for me, I say! Oh take the nasty soup away! I won’t have any soup today!” However, they were not concerned as they considered this rebellious behaviour normal for an eight year old.

Social services put the three children into foster care.

With thanks to Ellis Wiggins



Muriel Marie Magon
Writing in the Media

‘I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.’ (Pippi Långstrump)